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Dubas Should NOT Have Said This…

Nhl news today kyle dubas pittsburgh penguins after saying in toronto maple leafs media availability end of season “toronto or nowhere” lol. Nhl highlights today Kyle dubas interview brendan shanahan brad treliving toronto maple leafs gm aka general manager pittsburgh penguins news kyle dubas press conference nhl playoffs 2023 and nhl hockey highlights sidney crosby brad treliving press conference toronto maple leafs news stanley cup finals 2023 kyle dubas brendan shanahan elliotte friedman nhl news reaction brad treliving toronto maple leafs pittsburgh penguins
#nhl #hockey #highlights #nhlnews #torontomapleleafs #pittsburghpenguins


  1. Not a mistake in my opinion. Nobody knew the outcome of the Tor/Fla series, and most likely his continued tenure was predicated on the leafs WINNING. Dubas was a GM – not clairvoyant. Give the kid a break – hes a freshman in a room full of old guard veterans.

  2. Given how quickly the signing came with Pittsburg I wouldn’t be surprised if he was talking with them before that press conference.

  3. Who cares, he’s got a better job with the penguins. Shanny is an idiot. Another 7 years of pain with the new leafs GM

  4. Stupid discussion.” I don’t have it in me” means now. Tomorrow is a new day. And yes he won’t leave this week… we’ll what the hell do you expect from him, to sleep at the rink? Grow up? Life goes on, it’s just business.
    Summary, this is a stupid discussion.oh, and just to warn you, be careful with what politicians, lawyers and weathermen say…

  5. Even worse than this was having his press conference in Pittsburgh before the Leafs introduced Brad Treliving as GM, which had been planned the previous day. That was a clear petty revenge move in my opinion.

  6. I’ve seen it so many times in Football where a guy wants to stay with their organization, has 0 intentions or plans to go elsewhere is fully committed to the fans and the area, but then gets cut or let go or traded by the team and theres nothing they can do as it was the organization who decided to move on not them. You gotta do what you gotta do at that point, you don’t just hang it up if you’re good and you love the game. I don’t blame Dubas at all, seems like he made a last ditch effort to plead he didn’t want to leave the leafs and had no intentions to do so but then he was fired so he had no choice but to look elsewhere and landed with the Penguins. I think if he’s gonna end up anywhere there’s a lot worse places he could have ended up then an organization who was just on the outside of making it to the playoffs. He’s gonna be fine and honestly might be a problem for the leafs and show that it was a mistake to move on from him. If the leafs go massively downhill after this season I think letting Dubas go and if they don’t get some of these contracts right there’s gonna be a lot more tough years ahead for the leafs. I wish Dubas and the leafs both success but it’s a tough business and would not be overly surprised if the leafs lose some top talent and struggle for a few seasons.

  7. There is a lot of love and hate for Dubas right now. I’m more neutral and disagree with both extremes.
    I believe Dubas should have been, if he wasn’t, a defacto assistant GM because he was a good hire exclusively for his impressive business managerial skills as well as his ability to communicate with young players. He is excellent in that capacity. But his undoing appears to be he isn’t qualified to make hockey decisions – he has to delegate that aspect of the operations to people who understand the game much better in order to maintain competency in the role.
    He leaves the Leafs a model of organizational prowess in terms of a great environment to work in as a player, but due to some poor hockey decisions with respect to personnel and budget allocation, still not a team built to win in the playoffs.

  8. Dubas is business savvy and politically correct…he is one greedy man and I don't understand why he is even wanted…he didn't succeed with anything in Toronto… regular season success does not matter at all… He couldn't get a goalie…the defense is still trash…and I don't think he did enough to make this team great….analytics don't mean anything I'f your not winning…this trade deadline was the biggest he had and he is been GM for a LONG TIME! He lost Hyman, Brown, and other support pieces and traded Kadri… Just alot of bad moves and just replaces them with lesser pieces and gets credit for it? If he was smart he would trade marner and just get alot of pieces back because your going to win the cup with a full team….I mean Chicago explains this all…once the big 5 signed all their deals they stopped winning cups…. Salary cap stable teams win the cup and actually don't go overboard at trade deadline…Teams that I can remember are the Kings with Carter and Gaborik…and maybe I would throw in Col getting Manson and lehkonin but that's not like big names…

    Florida didn't really make any big moves and VGK got barbashev and blueguer and quick… so Even with the big Thakcuk trade, no Trade Deadline activity and they are playing in the cup… teams are built within and in the off-season…the trade deadline shouldn't be used to get star players…but ya every year is different I guess….

    Dubas is a fool and only fools follow fools.

  9. The only mistake was hiring Dubas instead of keeping Lou Lamariello or hiring Mark Hunter.

  10. Dubas is probably going to feel so much better not having every single word he ever says analyzed, re-analyzed, and carved into stone by the Pittsburgh sports media. Well, Rob Rossi will probably do that. But most Penguins fans seem to (rightly) think Rossi's a headline-chasing buffoon.

  11. I think that was him saying he doesn’t want to leave, he probably felt like something was needed to try and stay in Toronto but he was still let go I don’t really think much of it. I mean players do this all day long saying they have no plans in going to a different team and then boom they’re gone. Doesn’t seem much different to me except he didn’t choose to leave

  12. what is this argument? It was "i'd like to stay employed here" "you're fired" "well f*ck you then I'm going somewhere else" end of story… it wasn't "I'd like to stay employed here" "we like you too but, this this and this needs to be addressed and we need this from you" "I don't like that f*ck you I quit".

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