Golf Players

The Worlds Best Long Drive Coach Gave Me This Weird Drill And The Results Were SHOCKING


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  1. Hey JChown your videos have helped me go from arms to body swing. I've also started to develop a silky smooth swing. However I was wondering about the right hip as a righty. If possible can you explain how in depth exactly how the hip turn works? I understand I need to open them but how do you feel you open the hips? Ive seen you do the drill with the chair but how do you feel your left side pushing out?

  2. Try the force pedal….amazing result for me in 1 session. 5mph gain, also 1 club shift gain and all turn perfect only by using the vertical force.

  3. I've never had a full backswing, it's mor 3/4 yet I can hit a 8 iron around 172. This drill is similar to what my swimg looks like 😂😅

  4. You da man JChown!!! And I watched the Eric Cogorno video where he gave you a shout out regarding one of your drills. Keep up the great work!

  5. Your channel deserves a lot more subscribers. Really appreciate how many drills you post. Watching your videos has really helped my swing with how you break down the drill to practice and you explain it simple.

  6. Great Video, I have been working on my irons for the last couple weeks so this is perfect timing.
    I seen another channel doing something similar. Eric Cogorno has something similar and ge gave a shout out to you.👍👍
    Going to try this drill tomorrow before my round.
    Cheers 🍻

  7. What are your thoughts about how far away your club should be from your body when setting up for a shot?

  8. What no back swing? You do not start the down swing from stand still. You still turn back a bit from stand still before you start the down swing. That’s still a three quarter back swing!

  9. Thank you Tom for sharing this little known secret of Ben Hogan. I've tried this on my drills on the driving range and worked wonder on my ball impact and distance. Kudos on your channel! You're the best golf teacher on YT. Kudos!

  10. Great video man. I watched Eric's video on a similar drill. So I went to range. My insight ain't great so I asked a woman to tell how far I was hitting my 9 iron after I got a feel for drill. I normally hit my nine 140. She said I was flying well over the 150 marker. She said it looked to be going 170. WHAT. I was crushing it. I might just do it on the course haha 😄

  11. my trainer asked me to do similar drill before (but without shuffle). It is a great drill to force body rotation

  12. Looks like a great drill. Definitely want to give it a try… My question to you is. What was your solution to speeding up the left heel on the downswing that you said you were a little late with?

  13. Great video Jon. Tried this out today and my impact was so much better. Went over basildon GC and hit the ball on the practice range. My strikes were so pure. Some guy says, that's a good strike and flight for a 7 iron. So I told him about your drill and site. I did not tell him I was only hitting a wedge.

  14. The left arm parallel position looks like you're not turning your torso at all. Compared to your normal swing, where your left shoulder on the back swing ends up beneath your head. Is that intentional?

  15. Holy cow this drill hits me solid!!!
    As a ( super ) senior i was getting a lot of right side bend as i started down , chasing lost distance . I could not get thru the ball anymore without flailing arms /hands.
    This gives me such a better torso move thru the ball!

  16. Getting weight onto lead foot is critical early in the downswing. Dropping right shoulder down early in downswing inhibits this move. Drill helps to avoid this inhibition and transfers weight to lead side early in downswing which is what you want for rotation and weight shift.

  17. This is one of those drills that shows that you don't need a crazy long backswing to play golf well. Pulling 200 yards out of your 8 iron is only necessary if you're on the pga playing in the top 10, but for the rest of us 150 yards is just fine.

  18. I'm always highly skeptical of drills I see on YouTube. They usually come with crazy claims that simply aren't true. But, I DID find this drill highly effective. I'm 59 years old, 5'9'', 140lbs. I've been playing golf since I was about 9 or 10. When I was really playing a lot in my mid 30s to mid 40s I was driving the ball about 260 – 280 with an occasional 300 yard drive. Since that time I haven't had the time to play much until the last few years. I'm now getting in two rounds a week. While my short game has returned I've not been able to get the driving distance I used to get. I've been off about 20 yards on my drives. However, after doing this drill for a few days, I played yesterday and got that 20 yards back. My iron length had increase as well. Thanks, JChownGolf, this is why your videos are some of the best golf videos on YouTube!

  19. JC – I swing inside out and start D/S with left shoulder popping up and right shoulder moving down resulting in some fat shots and not getting enough to my front side. This will definitely help me. Thanks for posting. Shout out Eric @CogornoGolf. Jim

  20. Nice drill but I had a question so I am playing unfitted ap 2 irons and I noticed on the flightscope my short and mid irons going long with the spin quiet low.
    As an example 7iron averages as follows 183 yards carry 187 total, clubspeed 89mph, balls speed 117mph, 4400rpms, spin loft 29.8 degrees, smash 1.32, attack angle -5.3 degrees down (seems steep).
    Is the low spin normal or is the club coming in to steep.And second question I noticed somedays the long irons go long but more often shorter than they should and tighter distance gaps from 6 to 3 irons.
    Obviously I'm missing something in the longer clubs just not quiet sure what is should work on to fix this.And last question would a custom fitted set make any kind of big difference.


  21. The genius of that shuffle is that it balances out your weight on your feet, as opposed to the typical rear foot bias most people have during the backswing. I was working on the same basic thing the last time at the range but with a different drill. I'm going to try this later, weather permitting. Another key to distance is grip pressure. You don't want to work on too many things at once (usually just one at a time), but the majority of people playing are gripping the club too tightly. That does several things all related to adding tension which reduces movement. Possibly a topic for another video?

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