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Charles Barkley explains why him and Michael Jordan don’t speak anymore! Despite being best friends for years! Catch the full-length episode on All The Smoke Podcast presented by SHOWTIME Basketball!

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  1. Throughout MJ's career abd even after retirement, he was surrounded eith meat riders and yes men that never gives constructive criticism. This boosted MJ ego to a level he can't take any advice from anyone.

  2. This is exactly why so many rock stars go into downward spirals of drug addiction and suicidal depression, because they're surrounded by enablers who are paid to be yes-men who tell them what they want to hear but not what they need to hear

  3. So basically, MJ a spoiled brat that's been pampered ever since he went to the NBA. And now he's lost touch with the hardships of reality for the vast majority of the population lol smh.

  4. I’m the military they teach you not to criticize Soldiers in front of others. He put the man on blast in front of millions. I would be angry too because friends don’t do that.

  5. Mike was never a real friend to Charles. I mean we all know he sucks as an owner and GM and Chuck does have a job to do. Mike never gave a damn about Chuck he only used his friendship to manipulate chuck like when he was facing the Suns in the finals and gave Chuck an expensive gift right before one of the games and he did so that Chuck would take it easy on him. A real friendship wouldnt fall apart this easy and for as long.

  6. I am sorry that Michael couldn't except what Charles was saying. Those words are in no way meant to be hurtful. I would think he wouldn't want a bunch of yes men surrounding him and not truly telling him what they think is a good move even if it opposed what he was thinking. If course, I would hope the person did his or her homework explaining why that person or deal may not be the best and come back with other options, that were already researched, etc. You can tell Charles is a good dude who will tell you the truth.

  7. Tbh, anyone that knows about MJ’s “verbal combativeness” I would be scared to even talk to MJ let alone tell him what he’s doing wrong🫤

  8. Everyone here feels what Barkley did wasn't wrong nor uncalled for but at the same time, none of our friends would ever (and most don't have the option to) use an incredibly large platform to tell millions of viewers and listeners that we're inept at our job. Guarantee if Barkley had issued the same sentiments to him in private, they'd still be best friends.

  9. MJ is a dickhead, always has been. He might be the best basketball player ever, but there are plenty of other guys who achieved greatness while staying humble and kind to others.

  10. The crazy thing is Charles Oakley said some strong but true words about MJ too, but they are still best friends.

  11. self-centeredness is the root of the disease – and Jordan is the most self-centered person there can possibly be… and dont even mention that reputation washing project of a hospital he had built. This is the person who jacked up shoe costs for struggling households on the backs of child labor… jordan is an anti-union, neoconservative.
    I was a bulls fan, loved mj on the court — but the way he moves off the court has exposed him to be the oppressive exploiter that he is… he might be good at competition — but he sucks at collaboration… he wouldnt have won ANY championships without Scottie and HIS collaborative spirit, and those of his teammates.

    F him and his shoes.

  12. What's with the music? It was difficult to heard at the end. Cut that shit out. It was a good clip already without the stupid music.

  13. Unless you’re willing to fire a family member or friend then it’s best to not do business with them. I saw a video that his brother is a scout. His team has drafted nobody that’s worth mentioning. That’s his actual brother. He needs to reconstruct the office end of that franchise and build like GSW or MIA and actually develop players since his teams location is not desirable.

  14. MJ needs to man up and mend this. This is crazy to have a fallout over that. Chuck is hurt too still, you can hear it.

  15. Charles kept it real like he always does. MJ might be the goat at ball and i have no idea how he is personally but he seems kinda like a dick as a human being from player interviews ive seen

  16. Funny thing is 10-15 years later Charles Barkley is probably still his most real friend

  17. Exactly! Perfect example of that is Elvis. He had his entourage around him all the time paying all the bills they were not never gonna tell him here you got a problem or you need help they just wanted payday. He was footing all the bills and they were going along for the ride and they did not want that ride to stop!

  18. I'm a huge MJ fan, but Charles is a true friend and was telling him what he needed to hear. I have to agree with Chuck. Hopefully, they rekindle their friendship

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