Golf Players

Fix Back Pain w/ James Harden

In this video, we’ll be talking about how to fix back pain with James Harden Martin Rios.

Back pain is a common problem and can be really tough to deal with. In this video, we’ll be talking with Dr. James Harden about how he deals with back pain and how you can fix it too! By following my physical therapy tips, you’ll be able to reduce your back pain and get back to your life as usual.

#shorts #fitness #jamesharden #gym #back #backworkout #pain #painrelief


  1. My dad had back pain for years. He tried everything but nothing seemed to work. Then he decided that, since he wanted to lose weight, he would buy a cross trainer. He started to use it for 30 minites every morning. The back pain went away in a couple of weeks

  2. Doing rows with chest support is far superior. It reduces limiting factors that makes you perform worse

  3. I agree with you. I used to have lots of back pain. But after working on my core and lower back for a month it's gone completely

  4. Nothing but negativity, never seen a positive post from this dude always has something bad to say about people trying to help and give advise

  5. this advice is shit💀
    Did exactly what you said for half a year straight, my back was rounded and it didn't help shit, then I started training my back while not stressing the spine and not only it's straight and the pain is gone, it grew, exponentially. People who think holding a position for a minute will do shit and fix their problems do not have a clue, if you want to support your spine you need stronger supporting muscles because the stress which isn't being holded by your muscles will go into your spine.
    That's the exact reason why when skinny guys deadlift their spine curves.
    Btw you call bodybuilders lazy when you look like a 15 years old boy who started lifting, you can use the excuse that it's the physique bitches want but if you got laid you would know how annoying boring and pointless it gets after 3 different women💀

  6. He is t teaching to hide. He is teaching to use your core muscles in a safe way for starting out or if you do have pain. Please I will pay you to stop posting you are the worst YouTuber ever

  7. You are making fitness worse with this overcomplicated and one-sided bullshit

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