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Nathan Murphy has Messages to the St Kilda Bench After this Off the Ball Hit! | Round 5 | AFL 2023




  1. What about all the cheap shots from Murphy before ? Then he ducks his head and gets clipped, you can dish it but can’t take it weak as piss doesn’t deserve a week.

  2. So Caminti was watching the ball when Murphy behind the play punches Caminiti in the gut and Caminiti after being provoked gives him back some.. what do you expect? Is this a poofs game or what, both should get a week each and it's done anything else will be a tribunal sacrafice at the alter of woke stupidity, there was hardly anything in it, there have been far, far worse things.

  3. Murphy (5 years in the AFL) clearly punched Caminiti (5 games in AFL) from behind (cowards act), Caminiti turned round and pushed Murphy, who slipped, the second push from Caminiti hit Murphy's chin and and he went down like a baby!
    I don't agree with punching or pushing, its not football. However, I think at some point, a player has the right to respond to an attack, particularly if its from behind.
    The question in this case, was Murphy's cowardly attack, enought to warrant a response.

  4. i had heard that murphy used a racial slur against caminiti which is why he strucked as using this word does come across as a racial slur to the mediterranean peoples. so why hasn’t murphy got anything?

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