Tips for High Handicap Golfers

A 28 handicap has 10 holes where they get 2 shots. And yet I still see people trying to bust a gut with the driver to get on a par 4 in 2 when their handicap dictates they should get on the green in 4 shots.
If you do have 4 shots then why not take 3? I see a lot of net birdies in your future.

Gloucester Golf Club


  1. Do not despair Simon , your videos are invaluable and comforting , must be hard with this shite weather , roll on Thailand if global warming doesn't kick in soon

  2. I played a round with 7iron Pw Lw and a putter and shot 82 on a 6500yd course. Not just 25yr olds. Older beginners are the same. I also tell them play for bogey and they will be surprised how many par putts they will have

  3. Simon, you should golf here in southern Arizona–we get, on average, only 12" of rain PER YEAR! Here in Tucson, we get 284 days of sunshine every year. Yes, it's hot much of the year, but it's a dry heat. As for your tips, I actually did this. I was tired of scores in the mid-nineties, so one day, when I had the course almost to myself, I tried this approach, hitting nothing longer than a six iron. I shot 81. Playing with others though, I still pull my driver on par 4's and 5's, and my woods on long approaches and layups. Yes, it's ego. But at 75 years old, it's been embarrassing enough moving up to the gold tees.

  4. My goal this year is to break 80. I'm sure you've done vids on this before. It's not improving my technique, it is what it is. It's about my course management and being switched on all through the round. Thanks 😁
    11 weeks of rain? I've been hearing about hosepipe bans. This global warming Is rubbish 🗑

  5. the one thing never mentioned in these type of videos is the fact that your average high handicapper can and does regulary duff, slice, hook many shots in a round sometimes in a row, so although you make it all sound easy and i get what you are trying to put accross it is in fact a lot harder than you make it look. your strike and control is a leaps and bounds better than a 20+ handicap.

  6. Great explanation for high handicappers. It applies up to my game all the time. Sometimes though… one feels that you need to be as far as possible from the get go as the nex shot can be a duff blade or totally missed shot. Awesome 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

  7. I think that this is an excellent strategy, and not just for the lucky so-and-so's who are blessed with two shots a hole! As I've got older, and my drives are shorter and not as straight as they once were,, this sort of strategy makes far more sense for me too, especially as I now have more holes where I get a shot. It's just remembering to do it in a competition!!!

  8. Hi Simon, Heres to the 10 who decide to change their ways and improve their scores🍺🍺. Peeing in a dry suit … hahaha. Heres hoping for some dry weather for you. Have a great weekend

  9. I play our 2 longest holes exactly the same way if I'm trying to make a score. 430yds, hybrid off the tee, 7 then 9 iron to the green.

    I've made so many triples by driving into the trees then flying a 6 iron into a deep bunker.

  10. I hit driver almost every tee box. On the sim the other day over 9 holes i hit 80% fairways but only 20% of greens. But i do agree geting off the tee in good shape is step one to a good score so if driver doesnt work for leave it in the bag. For my scores to drop i need to hit more greens and i need my chipping to improve to a point i can get the ball up amd down most times. I honestly cant tell you how often im laying 1 in the middle of the fairway, then miss the green, chip, 2 putt and take a bogey or worst.

  11. The catalyst for me breaking 100 and eventually 90 was watching and following the advice of golf sidekick and will robbins. I wanted to hit it further and straighter but what I really needed to do was keep it in play and learn how to get the ball in the hole better!

  12. It’s definitely ego,but follow these course management thoughts and your handicap will come tumbling down. I’ve been playing nearly 50 years off & on,the intelligent player nearly always beats the player who blasts away & brings hazards into play. Good video,concentrate on doing this for the whole round and golf becomes much more enjoyable

  13. The only time I’d use the handicap system would be in a tournament. When I’m playing for myself I just play to get the best score I can and at the end of the round that’s my score. No sense in fooling myself into saying I just shot a 78 when in fact it was a 98…..

  14. Hi Simon, great advice as always and the location looks stunning with all the fresh green leaves and grass. When I was playing I only broke 100 twice for 18 holes, but I still enjoyed it. Had a few lessons practiced quite a bit. Worth a video to help someone like me or is that beyond help. Ron

  15. We feel your frustrations Simon. In York where we film it always wet. Flood area. It’s the 20th May today and it’s only just starting to dry out. We’ve managed about 2 videos in the first 5 months of the year. It’s hard work and depressing. But don’t give up. Even one video a month from you would help others. I know that’s not going to be financially rewarding for you. But helping others is also rewarding in its own way.

  16. Good video, I think any handicap golfer can take something away. Played Gloucester B team today at the Forest, they played well to get they draw. I was amazed how much our course has dried up since Friday 12th May. Hope you've managed to get out since you recorded this video. I look forward to watching your next away game. Is it somewhere in Gloucestershire or are you travelling a little further?

  17. Just found your videos, great advice for a high handicapper like myself, always thinking that I’m going to master my driver on the next tee when I haven’t hit a good one all day! Have to start trusting the clubs that have been working the best for me!

  18. Hi Simon, totally agree with you and have played my best golf taking this approach.

    I find that the wa tea shot usually comes from hitting one of the two approach shots fat and adding a stroke, or when you do get there in 3, 3 putting!

  19. Simon one of your strengths is course management – this video is excellent. Golf is about minimising errors. The 12th at Lilley Brook is a good example of ensuring good course management. I’m not long enough to get past the dogleg so I hit 7 wood, 7 iron SW and can find the green. I play the hole as a par 6 so anything less is a bonus. I used Arccos too which I’d highly recommend

  20. This is so true. Especially the bottom line very well sumarizes it best: Play always to your strenghts ("boring" golf usually is the best golf I may add)

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