Golf Players

Why is Nobody Talking About This? 30+ YARDS = Effortless Power

What if I told you there was a way to EFFORTLESSLY add 30 YARDS of distance to your shots? You’d probably think I was crazy, or lying, or both!

Well this SIMPLE set-up trick was used by the greatest golfer of all time and allowed him to hit the ball farther than anyone else from his generation. Fast forward fifty years and the best players in the world are utilising this MAGIC MOVE to help them swing FASTER and hit FURTHER.

What is it…? A simple TURN and TILT of your head to the side as you set-up can pre-set the perfect backswing position allowing you to maximise your body turn and create more potential power. Many of you who try this for the first time will experience a longer swing than you ever thought possible, without any of the usual aches and pains that you usually feel every time you swing the golf club.

Sound to good to be true? Well you need to see it to believe it, then try it to achieve! I’ll show you how I helped a player add 30 yards and 5mph of club head speed to there swing in the space of just ONE SWING with this simple piece of advice. Once you’ve seen this, you’ll want to get out there and try this for yourself!

So if you’re looking for EFFORTLESS POWER with less stress on your joints and you want to feel 30 years younger, then try this simple HEAD TILT trick to add yards and subtract years!

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  1. Have you made a video on players head moving away from the ball during downswing? What are the possible causes? Thank you. 👍🏼👍🏼

  2. Question Rob: is it plausible for too much weight forward with driver and woods? Playing partner noticed I had a lot forward and thought it might be causing inability to shallow out. Cheers

  3. Golf My Way was the first instruction book I purchased in the mid 80s and I’ve used that technique ever since.

    Sam Snead had another I use which is looking over the ball and focusing on something there (debris, blade of grass, tee placed outside ball when practicing on the range) instead of fixating on the ball. After trying it I realized the reason. The brain needs a fixed point of visual reference to maintain balance, especially when the head is moving (the inner ear provides balance feedback).

    The problem with fixating on the ball? It disappears at the most critical part of the swing and the eye will reflexively try to follow it jerking head up out of the shot and you lose your balance reference. Focus past the ball and you will begin to see impact the face sweep the ball off the ground, once you break the habit of following the ball with the eyes.

    But another balance / vision created swing problem occurs after impact when the shoulder turn forces the head to turn to target. We use leveling eye line to horizon as a balance reference but doing that in the finish pulls the spine and shoulders up and left too soon. Practice turning head without changing the angle of the eyes and seeing the horizon at an angle as the head turns to face the target will result in a more balance swing and straighter shots.

    I jokingly call it “Faith Based Golf” — if you have faith in your swing why do you need to pop up to see where it goes?

  4. Great video. In Tampa, FL, the Golftec instructor is not certified SnT, he does understand the system and is willing to teach me. Thoughts? Thanx

  5. I agree with you for a different reason . Jack used a more narrow stance and still let his left heel come off the ground. His head tilt allowed him to restrict his sway and keep his head behind the ball when he hit it. The left heel going back down was his weight shift, and left hip turn key to the start of his down swing. Unlike most of the great golfers today that shift their left hip over and back Jack did this with his head and left heel… What do you think? It's so hard to really know what another golfer is actually thinking when they swing as it's usually the opposite

  6. Nicklaus had played an exhibition match as a teenager with Sam Snead. He saw Snead tilt his head and decided if it was good enough for the Slammer, it was good enough for him.

  7. I tried this on the course yesterday and sliced everything….need to dial it back and try again at the range..

  8. Rob this video changed my golf life. I have never understood keeping head still as you demonstrated. I have always struggled by trying to keep my head still having my head dip forward. No matter what I tried until this video. I implemented pre setting my turn and tilt of head like Nicholas as I find it extremely easy to preset the head position as I simply tilt turn Extend back. Bottom line my head stayed in same spot and went out today and shot a 1 under 70 and my hdcp is 7.7. Awesome awesome video to truly understand how the head moves to stay steady. Can't thank you enough. Plus i am right eye dominant

  9. Was able to test this on course. Forgot about it until the last 5 holes after hitting my regular lackluster 190 to 210 yard drives. I employed the Jack chin turn and found extra distance and an unexpected benefit as with extra turn I slowed down and I think I used my body more and these shots were longer and straighter.

  10. Rob, In the ST Swing book by Bennet and Plummer, they have a section about Understanding Attachments. Have you ever done a video diving into Open vs. Neutral vs. Closed attachment? Also, how radically do you need to "open" an attachment, and what other adjustments, to hit the power fade?

  11. this is great for me I'm lefthanded playing golf right handed and I'm left eye domonant 👌🏌‍♀

  12. Rob, always enjoy your videos. I'm a lefty with left eye dominance. Would your guidance be tilt the neck with the right eye closer to the ball and don't worry about it?

  13. Jack Nicklaus won 18 Majors but was second in 19 Majors so for the sake of a couple of shots could have won about 30, no one will come close to that!! easily the best ever.

  14. Thanks..I used to rotate my head right(I am left eye dominant)..but I had difficulty seeing adding the little tilt to get the left eye closer it seems to free up rension…went to course to try it out with pitching and chipping…voila..ball seems to fly to far…just need to recalibrate distance..grateful..Stressdr 🤣

  15. Can you do a video on the proper way to breath during the golf swing?

  16. I enjoyed the video. . In the before and after shots of your student, there is poor lead knee flex in the before photo which will also severely restrict hip turn

  17. Thanks you for this… your teaching…..did you know who Jack got this from? Hogan.

  18. I’ve invested a lot of time trying to adopt the stack and tilt swing. I feel like my ball contact is much better however, all my shots start straight and over draw. Do you have any suggestions?

  19. Rob I’m a little confused. Didn’t you have a video about keeping the head on a noodle I assumed to keep it still.

  20. Love your videos Rob. I’m a stack and tilt believer and switched a few months ago using Tom Saguto online school. Can you analyze some pros like homa or Fowler and touch on some stack tilt aspects (especially driver)?

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