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How the NBA fails to market Nikola Jokic correctly after Finals win with Nuggets | Jenkins & Jonez

The Jenkins and Jonez guys heap praise on Nikola Jokic for leading the Denver Nuggets to an NBA Finals victory over Jimmy Butler & the Miami Heat, and discuss why he’s the NBA’s most relatable superstar.

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  1. Man Jokic doesn’t even wana market himself. He’s arguably the best in the league, but seems to me he doesn’t have a desire to be marketable 🤷🏾‍♂️

  2. Denver fans have been SCREAMING for this shit for YEARS lmfao. I should feel vindicated but i dont. Im just pissed everyone is late to the party 😭😂😂😂

  3. Great discussions. Jokić is such a beautiful & natural relief to the mainstream media's endless sensationalism. His rise to stardom is a perfect example of how wrong the media narratives are because the people just love Jokić cause they can relate to him. The media on the other hand hates him cause he doesn't provide them that sensationalism (for them to capitalize on).

  4. Jokic grew up in the middle of a war, he sees the world in a different light, its just that basketball isnt his whole life. He just wants to rest and enjoy his family

  5. NBA should take advantage of his dead-pan humor. For goodness sakes that's what a marketing team is for lol

  6. They never marketed Duncan either. He won 5 titles in small market San Antonio and you never hear about him and his era compared to Shaq, Kobe and Lebron.

  7. thank you. all off you. i am from serbia , and i feel just like that and now you said that … somewere in america wooow

  8. Excellent discussion. Those of us that have watched him from day 1 know what an amazing human being this guy is. Funny, self deprecating, always looking to praise others and elevate them, doesn't take himself too seriously. And he's an unbelievable hooper with a game that's incredibly watchable. The lack of marketing is partly a league and national media problem–NBA marketing has always revolved around spectacular dunks and blocked shots, etc. But Jokic also simply won't cooperate. Even here in Denver he stiffs the local media that have known him since he was a rookie. And because he's lived with his brothers from the start and goes immediately back to Serbia his English has never fully developed which hurts him too.

  9. Have that corner – why care that he is not black (if you knew just a little of our history you would realize that we have so much in common regarding repression – …some 400 years under Turks occupation, Nazi's… we are black in many respect…there are thousands kids here with black players corner…regards from Belgrade.

  10. I appreciate the values Jokic has as a family man and respect his desire to spend time doing what he loves, which apparently isn’t basketball. Curry and LeBron however are outstanding family men who value the same things but they’re marketed quite differently and that’s not mismanagement by the NBA. They choose to communicate with fans and media, giving us access to them and the greatness of their game. With Jokic, it’s not just a lack of media training or American sports indoctrination. He’s made it vehemently clear that he has zero interest in the traditional expectations of superstar players. His choice to curb all that results in missed opportunities to grow his and Denver’s fan base, but no one should be disappointed or cry foul that he isn’t marketed the same. He made the decision himself to be different so no should be upset with a different result.

  11. You're wrong if you think Jokic does not love basketball and only treats it like the job for money. He has money, and he does not care about it. He loves the game since he was a kid, but he is not willing to sacrifice everything or it like Kobe, MJ and even LeBron did.

  12. People want real shit and jokic is all about that smoke! Market my boy right cmon

  13. You can't force a guy to have a certain personality so the NBA can't be blamed for "marketing"him,he isn't a rapper where you have to front a role,he plays in a small market…even tho they were no.1 in the west Denver doesn't even get marquee attention during the year,Die Hards appreciate his greatness,the problem is allows alot of casuals and trolls to have opinions and it does take away from the sport

  14. No offense, but the dry humour he has shown in his interviews seems lost on the audience. He is playing with his image in the media, and he often has to say "I'm joking btw" because his brand of irony is not shared. His "We can go home now" line is hilarious.
    Taking oneself too seriously, especially in an entertainment industry, is not how he is, he is not saving the world, and he knows it. Can you imagine him saying "I'm the GOAT now", or "Humbly I'm the best player"? That's very american, and to the rest of the world, it sounds fake and pretentious.
    Thinking about legacies and "all time best" is not how most of the world learns to love sports.

  15. Giannis is relatable just based off his life story everything else is just a bonus. The way the Joker’s approaches the game and his mentality is extremely relatable. Especially what he said after winning it all. “You telling me I gotta work mandatory overtime after just acing the big yearly presentation!? I gotta go home man WTF!!!!!” -Joker after winning the title 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  16. I don’t get why they can’t just show him more even if he’s shy they literally put less than zero effort into putting him over until the absolute last second.

  17. When players like zion or lamelo get more exposure by nba then you know something Is wrong

  18. Best thing of all is, people who disliked him so much now really do like him. He is like a Borg without saying it, resistance is futile!!!

  19. Thank you, guys. Amazing commentary, best I've heard yet. People are saying Jokic is "bad for the NBA". They might be right? Maybe our sports mythology needs to be taken down a notch, even if the billion-dollar industry takes a hit or two? The media wants to make sports into more than a game. Wants to make it the embodiment of American exceptionalism. A validation of our winner-take-all economic system. Etc. But Jokic, the working man's superstar, flips the script. Not only is sports NOT more than a game, it's actually less than a game. It's a job.

  20. I think he likes the playing basketball part he just doesn’t like all the extra stuff the interviews and media and marketing and everything else that isn’t part of just playing.

  21. I feel like alot of the legendary NBA stories are not real. Like Kobe’s blackout work outs: work out until you black out. Any sports scientist will tell you that is not a consistent way to prepare your body for a rigorous season of sport. I’m sure there is truth in it and he pushed himself very hard and occasionally would go crazy as a way to toughen up mentally but prolonged success requires a balanced approach.

  22. I have become a HUGE fan of Nikola Jokic because, yes, he is so relatable and genuine. I LOVE that he is great but not arrogant. I love that he is humble and family centered VS. being obsessed with a game and losing perspective on life.

    For some, like MJ, basketball may be their entire life, but for Jokic, it is not; and I also fucking love that. I can’t wait for next season already and am hoping for more success for him.

  23. Yeah if you think Jokic is just a fat white hooper you don’t understand the nuances and fundamentals of the game. High flying athletes is the easiest thing to see. Any laymen amateur can see that. If you can’t appreciate the fundamentals, footwork, touch, basketball iq, strength, unselfishness, court vision, etc then you don’t know basketball.

  24. Haven’t y’all been shitting on the man all year and one of the many that said he shouldn’t be a three time mvp without arguing any basketball reasons as to why he shouldn’t?

  25. "That wasn't just funny, it was beautiful to me"

    Absolutely perfect quote to describe how I felt listening to Joker too lol

  26. You talking about marketing jokic/denver , theres whole europe/canada watchin nba cuz of jokic/murray

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