Golf Setup Posture Tips: How the Proper Golf Hands Position at Address Can Help Fix Your Golf Shank

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Kip Puterbaugh, the Director of Instruction at the Aviara Golf Academy, describes how understanding your golf hand position at address can help prevent shanking the golf ball. To discuss this golf tip with other golfers and share your own, leave a comment below. We look forward to your feedback.


Hi, my name is Kip Puterbaugh, the Director of Instruction at the Aviara Golf Academy.

What I want to talk about today is a setup error that we see continuously at the Aviara Golf Academy. When people setup to the ball, often times you’re told to move you hands ahead of the ball at address. And when the average person starts moving the hands too far forward, the club face will start to open. As a result, when the club face opens they know that’s not correct so they take the club and they turn it back in thinking that they are now setting up with a square club face. The problem with this is the club is now closed; and what that’s going to do is force the player to hit and hang onto the club, very tightly with their arms, and stops the club from a good powerful release, and it will tend to hit balls both left and right. When this happens into your woods, it makes it very difficult for your weight to shift, for anything to happen properly.

So when you’re setting up to the ball, we want the shaft to be pretty close to straight up and down, without too much forward lean or backward lean. When we look at some tour players, they might have the appearance that their hands are forward, but generally the person’s got the hands forward, their head is back. So if I had my hands here with my head back, and I moved my head, now all of a sudden, the hands look back. So as more of an optical illusion we want to keep the shaft pretty straight up and down, want the head to be just behind the ball we just don’t want to throw the hands too far ahead. It starts messing up the club face



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