How To Build A Modern Body Rotation Golf Swing (FULL STEP BY STEP GUIDE)


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  1. The part about the movement of the right arm is helpful. I am practicing in my garage right now with that move and I am not hitting steep (which I do all the time on my practice mat). Going to range later to try this move out.

  2. Another great video. I was never able to rotate until I concentrated on having a bowed wrist at the top, feeling to me like the club is super closed. Then the only way to square it at impact is to rotate.

  3. Phil Mickelson was balling at a high level before tiger woods entered the scene. Phil Mickelson is still balling at a high level when tiger is almost done. Phil has a down the line swing that lacks rotation especially in the hips. Phil's swing has stood the test of time. I expect the modern rotational golf swing players will end up like tiger and have a very short golf career

  4. Love your videos! Really helps me understand the swing. Wanted to ask- is the sequence the same for the longer clubs?

  5. Great instruction as usual. Can’t tell you how much I appreciate your content. I went from carrying my 7i from 150yds to 175yds. Couldn’t have done it without you brother

  6. I would like to give a shout out to this guy. The rotational type swing that he is teaching is the closest thing to what I recently discovered works for me. I had given up golf hadn't played for maybe 18 months. The eureka moment for me was a clip of an old American teacher saying in all his years only 3 things mattered, I think he was talking seniors, the two main things were rotation and timing. To demonstrate this he started doing a continuous golf swing like when you warm up, you know back and through and back and through and he said you have to do it with your body rotation if you throw your arms at it you can't keep the swing going you will come out of posture or whatever and the timing part was to start getting the woosh of the club in the right place and build up the speed. The third thing I don't remember something about extention he said it was kind of optional it didn't work for me so I threw it away. Anyway for whatever reason I understood this. Went to the range for the first time in ages and it felt natural to me. I realized that turning my hips was kind of fundamental to doing this drill. That's when I found the guy on this channel and he was saying the same type of things. If you are reading this then you are a golf tragic like I used to be always searching for the secret move. I think to play and enjoy the game you need to have something of a natural swing, I find a rotational swing to be the most natural for me. Just by doing a continuous swing and trying to feel the timing and speed gets me about 85% there. I am now playing again and it's really strange. I almost feel embarrassed, It's weird with very little practice and not actually playing very frequently I am hitting it further and for the most part straighter than I ever have. I have had about 6 or 7 rounds with the golf society I used to play with before and they are all talking about me behind my back, they are confused why am I am hitting it further some have spoken to me about it but no one has asked me what I have changed, so if they don't ask I can't really say. I reckon they think I am on drugs or something.
    Anyway I write this just to give hope to my fellow golf nerds, I wish I found this rotational swing 20 years ago, All the lessons I had over the years the instructors tried to stop me from rotating too much in fact one described me as a classic over rotator whatever that means. There are other types of swings for instance I tried the right sided swing which is just about the complete opposite of a rotational swing, it was very unnatural for me. So thanks to the guy making these videos if I was in the UK I would come and have a lesson with you keep up the good work.

  7. I' dropped my scores from low 50s to low 40s within a month. Yesterday the big takeaway for me was right shoulder into right hip. I will continue to work the chair drill and also use the alignment sticks to verify hip tilt

  8. "Armpits over the balls of your feet". My armpits are 4-5" in front of my feet. This could be why I have a hard time getting the left hip back and out of the way. I quickly checked Xander , and you are correct, cant wait to try this falling backwards feeling, ha. Thank you!!

  9. JC Since I signed up on Skillest by downloading your series on rotation I have gone from 18hc to 12hc. I am a disciple of your teaching and have watched almost all of your videos (I have no life) but am practicing in a net everyday. Started off with right arm only drill then preset rotation and couldn’t do either very well. Two months later now I can do them. HOWEVER I would like to point out that in this particular video this is the first time I have heard you speak about front right elbow facing out a bit. Been hitting balls to

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