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Are Aston Martin close to challenging Red Bull? | Juan Pablo Montoya & Crofty | Sky F1 Podcast

David Croft and Juan Pablo Montoya join Matt Baker to discuss the Monaco Grand Prix, and whether Aston Martin are close to challenging Red Bull.

On this week’s show:
Introduction 00:00
Reflection on Monaco GP -00:47
Can Aston Martin compete against Red Bull? – 08:59
What is the recipe to success in F1? – 14:19
Has Fernando Alonso changed? -16:33
Is Lance Stroll underrated? – 22:50
Dads in F1 – 25:12
Are we seeing the best ever Fernando Alonso? – 30:04
Can Fernando Alonso win the Spanish GP again? – 37:47
Indy 500 review – 42:38

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  1. JPM always a legend, always tells it like it is, and brutally honest, and so entertaining ! Bring him in at Sky F1

  2. No, not with their current driver line up. Fernando might sneak out a win somewhere but Lance just doesn’t have the talent.

  3. Juan Pablo is a great driver and an interesting interview but probably not best on this style podcast. Even I got tired of him interrupting

  4. Put JPM on the Sky payroll already. The guy adds so much. A lovely podcast this was. Thanks.

  5. Pablo is right about Monaco, the nature of the track is simply great for quali not so great for passing, its fine like this, no need to try and manufacture better racing.

  6. How on Gods green earth can anyone state that Crofty is the voice of F1? Been watching f1 since barca 1996 when MSC lapped all in average car… the voice of F1 is Murray Walker…. only to be taken over by Martin Brundle. As for JPM…. erm x7 wins does not make you legend status

  7. I respect JPM's opion! He has a insider's insight into various forms of racing that most people in the onscreen pundits don't have!

  8. How many of the F1 sky presenters did not go to private school? Please can we have more presenters from a normal educational background and not those whose parents paid to cheat them through the system

  9. I disagree with Crofty about Fernando being a better person now. I agree with JPM that he’s the same person. For me the biggest difference is the coverage of him by the UK F1 media. Previously he was the rival to their chosen driver and they treated him as such. They asked negative and antagonistic questions to him. To this day some are still writing articles like. On one F1 news site the title of an article will be to something like ‘Alonso takes another jab at Alpine’. When in fact I saw the interview and it was nothing like that. all he did was give a reasonable answer to a question he was asked.

    Ive been following F1 since ‘92, but I’m not British. For the longest time UK based media was the only place for English language F1 news and I could see the bias toward British driver. All the way back to Schumi when he was the rival to Hill. It then continued with Alonso, Massa, Vettel, Rosberg and then Max. They all got the same treatment by the UK F1 media and therefore weren’t liked by the British public. Now that F1 content has exploded on social media and YouTube especially things have changed. There’s much more of a diverse audience. There are many more non British biased voices in English. We can now see the support for other drivers. Even more so there are far more people to push back on the fanboys, when previously there was little. The UK based F1 news sites became more and more toxic after 2007 until it was so bad in 2014 that I stopped posting at all there as it was just fanboys and there was no room for reasonable, rational discussion. The content on YT got me commenting a few years ago. I think because there are other voice now being heard and pushing back, it’s effected the way the reporters cover certain drivers. They can get with what they could previously or they’ll be called out on social media. The reporters are far better off because of it though. They are better, the interview environment is better and the coverage is better. Sky no longer is just the coverage for countries under the crown. Neither is the official F1 channel. They owe it to the audience to be fair, objective and as impartial as possible.

    Long winded rant over.😉

  10. Shout-out to JPM for shutting down the narrative at 30:26 . Fernando from what I hear has for the most part been solid with any team he has been and if there have been issues it's always been with the people making decisions in the senior roles within the F1 team.

    Now looking back this isn't the best strategy when dealing with the highly political shark tank that is F1 and bruised egos can lead to locked doors in his case…but from listening to people who have interacted with Fernando in the past he has no time for unserious people not putting in the same effort he does when he's racing…which as an athlete is a fair/debatable way to feel…but this narrative that he's a difficult human is just pressed by members of the British and Italian press…so they can be friends with their insiders in these teams so they can get a story first.

  11. JPM is one of my favourite F1 drivers and characters – knows what he's talking about and always honest. Love him – more JPM PLEASE @SkySportsF1

  12. Indy500 once again showed that there is no reason to watch but the 20 last laps. The restart was unfair, just like Max/Lewis. It gave the win to 2nd car on the track. It has to be more than 5 laps in indy, after that the race should end under caution.

  13. Why are the Sky sports F1 commentators determined to perpetuate the notion of "boring races" & "exciting races"? They're unnecessarily revealing their apparent fear of certain viewer's being left "disappointed" by a race dominated by one driver, a so called "boring race". Firstly they shouldn't be feeding into that on air, it seems very self defeating, & secondly more importantly I'd argue lots of viewer's don't see those races as "boring" so WHY put that thought in people's heads who may not even think that, isn't their job to CREATE excitement. To me every race has enjoyable moments, yes some have less overtaking but just seeing these technological marvels in motion is exciting, it's not just 1st 2nd 3rd who scores points.

  14. Pls. Crofty, could you please stop with that ridiulous and petty streak of mentioning how good that Red Bull car is and diminishing Max’s performances. …. It starts to get silly

  15. Just listen to Q3 between Alonso and Max radio…. surely Max looks more relax than Alonso…. I think he has more to offer

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