Golf Players

Simple Question Leaves PGA Commissioner SPEECHLESS

PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan failed to answer tough questions about why him and the PGA board of directors took LIV Golf’s blood money after previously taking the moral high ground. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. I guarantee you, I’ll never watch golf again!
    I’m embarrassed for the families of the victims of 9/11!
    Disgustingly disrespectful !

  2. The Trump administration along with Greg Abbott, has already allowed the Saudi government to buy the biggest oil refinery in Texas!
    In 2022, that oil refinery netted the Saudi Arabian killers $52 billion dollars!

    Enjoy your billions from Saudi Arabia Jared Kushner !

  3. Well, that's it! I sure can't watch another minute of golf.
    The game has been FUBAR by these greedy sons of bitches. They ruined a wholesome family past time.
    Tell us: Did you poll the actual golfers about this?

  4. Just about all sports are already filled with people who realised there was a lot of money to earn. The Saudis are buying all sports these days and these greedy business men who snoke their way into sports are cashing in.

  5. BOYCOTT THE PGA – They have blood on their hands. I am totally disgusted by the PGA aligning with the Saudis after the 9/11 attack and the brutal murder and dismembering of a US citizens ordered by the Saudi prince. BOYCOTT THE PGA AND LUV. BOYCOTT ALL BUSSINESSES OWNED BY THOSE IN POWER WITHIN THE PGA. THIS IS SICKENING.

  6. Boycott the PGA and tell your Congressman to revoke it's tax exempt status. This organization has taken blood money and is now aligned with the tribe that funded 9/11.

  7. Now this is an honorable boycott against an organization that literally sold their soul for money. PGA has insulted every 911 death & their families for money. Shame!

  8. That would actually matter if ARABS WERE RESPONSIBLE. unfortunately it was the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT

  9. This should show everyone that people with money don't actually give AF about race, national identity, gender, orientation, social issues, the environment… etc. They only care about money, and they'll stick their dick in anything if it profits.

  10. PGA plays golf in Hawaii, they are playing on stolen lands when that land was supposed to be returned to the indigenous peoples. The PGA plays a tournament in Hawaii every January. Why is the PGA sports washing crimes against humanity? The NBA has 14 Jewish owners and all have been vocal about supporting Israel. Essentially, the NBA is sports washing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by supporting the NBA. If you watch the NBA, you are supporting the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

  11. The Saudis own golf and the Chinese own the NBA. Ah capitalism where you can sell anything to anybody.

  12. Is it true about Bin Lidin…..He was really a CIA employeeeeeehaaaa….. Tim Osman… He was so good this dude could control the whole of 9/11 & the Pentagon attack from Cave in Afghanistan….. With no wifi…. Aye what a man…. Nice but Tim….

  13. He's just another Conservative who puts money over Christianity! I love to golf. Now I can't watch any @PGA. I'm absolutely pissed and no longer am spending money 9n PGA stuff.

  14. All the people who lost their homes and communities miles from the courses because they could nolonger afford to live there due to water shortage and club expansions. Are like no crap lady.

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