Golf Babe

2019 Augusta National Women’s Amateur – Final Round

Relive the final round of the inaugural Augusta National Women’s Amateur.


  1. Such great competition… and great sports, the both of them. Well done ladies! 🏌️‍♀️

  2. GOOD for Haley Moore. Obviously bullied because she's a bit bigger than others and doesent fit the mold of what people think a golfer should be. She's awesome!!!

    Oh also, what a beautiful swing!

  3. Why dont men and women play together? Its golf they have same t box. Its not like Augusta can be a mens course 1 day and a ladies course the next. The pars are the same.

  4. I believe assault charges are in order against the Augusta National Golf Club for making us look at the fat ones. I might even have eye AIDS now. A 2nd lawsuit is in order.

  5. There is nothing quite like making a 23 foot birdie putt on the 18th hole to win with authority. Nice job.

  6. The people claiming the shortened course makes it a pansy, should back off. Unless you've been to the course and really have seen it from the golf course view, not the sidelines and behind ten rows, you can't conceive how hilly and convoluted it is. Ask any pro or great amateur and they will say that it's the greens that make Augusta difficult. So, the scoring by the women is equal to that achieved by the men. One time, when I watched at a Masters on the first day, the putting by the poorer players was comical. Three and four putts and more were common.

  7. It is awesome that Augusta has a women's event but there should be a pro event for the ladies

    Yes the amateurs should in both genders should have their own events there for so many reasons with all those events having all 4 rounds at Augusta National 😇👏🎉💚

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  11. The second Augusta National Women's Amateur field is set. I cannot wait.

    Some of these players are coming back!!

  12. I certainly buy into the value of being able to hit my clubs a reasonable distance. fortunately after playing this game at a reasonable level for 35 years, I have managed to retain decent speed and length throughout my bag. However, the last few videos I have seen from you are completely fixated on the fact that Savannah can hit a 7 iron 180 yards. There is NO value whatsoever in being able to hit a 7 iron 180 yards with jacked lofts and a spin rate that is too low to get control. As soon as I see anyone testing a 7 iron with less than around 5500 – 6000RPM spin, I question the relevance of being able to hit a 7 iron that far. I noticed your spin on the 180y 7i was just over 5000RPM. Personally I like to see my 7 iron spin closer to 6500RPM and even 7000 and my distance in and around 170 yards at 90 – 93mph clubhead speed.
    Fixation on being able to hit it that long without showing ALL the relevant data is worthless especially when the rest of the information you give about the swing and your approach is so very very good.

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  14. I think the ANWA should do some sort of editing of this video and insert a disclaimer where the commentators are essentially criticizing Jennifer Kupcho's body language. As Jennifer explains at the end, she had a massive migraine and half her visual field was blurry for several holes. If you watch those holes again you can' tell she's trying to shade her eyes from the light and probably trying not to cry from the pain/frustration. t's a safe bet Jennifer would have won by even more had she not been suffering. The fact she persevered and won regardless is outstanding.

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  17. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)
    Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. (James 4:4)
    When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Mark 2:17)

  18. Well done. A migraine like that can disable you for 20 minutes or so. They are truly horrible and it’s almost impossible to function. A really gutsy performance.

  19. Wow ! only just found this and its awesome! The quality of the play is fantastic. Thank you to whoever made this happen 🙂

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