Golf Players

The Mayor of Cleveland is AGAINST the Browns!!


  1. Good for this mayor. That stadium is only 24 years old. Deal with it. Team owner expectations of having shiny new stadiums have increased since more and more public money has been used.

  2. Browns aren’t going anywhere. If anything the Harlem’s could sell and move to Milwaukee where he just spent a billion dollars.

  3. The Browns are leaving Cleveland… again… They'll change their name and colors, then Cleveland will produce another "Browns" team… and we'll have three "Browns" teams in the NFL…

  4. Browns do not deserve a new stadium with the losing culture that the Browns currently have smh 🚮💯🤦🏻

  5. Finally, a city standing up to a billionaire owner. The fact that people are okay with their cities spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build or renovate stadiums blows my mind.

    It's not even an argument at this point, the studies have been done: a new stadium does not generate more money in the surrounding neighborhoods or more jobs. Investment in the area and surrounding areas stays the same and all that ends up happeneing is a rise in the cost of living.

    You could literally throw $1 billion in cash from an airplane over the same city and it would be a better investment.

  6. Haslem's a criminal and hes never done nothing Haslems a big liar he said he was gonna put a dome on that stadium and he never has he should be in jail I hope the F. B I reopens the case on him.. He's lied to the city of Cleveland He's lied to the people of Cleveland he doesn't even deserve To be a owner Anyway. if you want to take that team somewhere. That's fine because Cleveland's a prime location for another team. It'll be better anyway. Remember when he goes Else where? hes gotta take his miserably failed integrity that he doesn't have with Him And I'm gonna say it again. Jimmy haslems a big liar and a criminal look what he did to the truckers

  7. I would love it if the Browns moved again! it will be my generation's version of the Washington Senators (Rangers and Twins).

  8. Wouldn't be the first time a mayor of Cleveland didn't want to repair a Browns stadium. How did the last time work out?

  9. Browns are owned hy Cleveland, so while the team moves they wouldnt be able to call themselves the browns

  10. Haslams can fund their own stadium renovations. When the workers ask for forgiveness in student or medical debt, when the workers ask for a stimulus during a pandemic, when workers ask for a wage increase; they are told to go fuck themselves. But these billionaires get to swindle tax dollars whenever they want?

  11. The estimate for repairs was 1 billion or so…. A new stadium with all the perks would be closer to 3-4 billion

  12. No. You're nuts. Listen to me very carefully. The Browns are not leaving Cleveland, except when they go on the road 8 times this year.

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