Golf Players

The Pro Move That Hits It Long & Straight

Doesn’t everyone wants to hit the ball long & straight? They sure do. This tip shows you the pro move that hits it long and straight.

I say this is the pro move because pros do this while 80-90% of all amateurs do not. Is this about getting you to hit it harder with your hands and arms? No. You’ve already done that and it doesn’t work. This is a point in your swing that you need to be thinking about then you need to seriously work on it. If you do this pro move, you will hit it longer and straighter than ever.

This tip is not just for driver. This is for all clubs because pros do this with all clubs. Once you get this magic move into your swing you will hit all of your clubs long & straight. So watch this tip and start working on it.

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  1. Paul I have been doing it since the seventies and I finally got me son to believe in me. He’s a very good player and he walked by my golf bag an took my Scottie Cameron out of my bag an went out an shot six under par

  2. Is that true that if I get the first 45 I will automatically get the second 45? I have no reason to doubt you but this makes the hip move much easier! All I have to concentrate on is hips back the ball at the very start and the rest will follow? Please confirm if I’m understanding this correctly. Great tip!

  3. Yup, one of the hardest things for amateurs to get, is leave the arms and hands out of the swing until late as possible. If and when they get to the place where they're holding them back too long, ONLY then can they start to release them a little eariler little by little until they find that sweet spot. The other HUGE thing I see with many amateurs is they don't get their weight to the lead side SOON enough. They usually wait until the top of their swing, and by then it's WAY too late for most people. As soon as they drag that club back waist at the latest, I would start having them move their center mass a little toward the target, but keep the backswing going. They just don't understand to create a whip like lag, their lower body moves forward a little while the upper body is moving back and up. This separation allows a massive storing of energy. Everybody is a little different, but most don't get their weight moving towards the target soon enough in the sequence.

  4. Took time, practice and quite a few games for me to get this movement naturally but it started to sink in…
    I usually finish a game with the same ball I started with, I'm always in play and I feel much more satisfied with my game walking off the course..
    Thanks for your ongoing video tips Paul.. 👍⛳🏌‍♂️🇬🇧

  5. 4:30 – Very common pattern, hips and the entire body facing the ball at impact. I'd stand behind them, looking down the target line. Ask them to take the club back to parallel to the ground. I then hold the clubhead in my hand and have them turn their hips toward the target, with a little side bend included. I tug very lightly, hold it there, and ask them to rotate their hips toward the target again. It's like a light bulb turns on for most people. Then I ask them, if I wasn't holding the club, how could you produce a similar effect on your own. It forces them to think and progress ensues. Then you can do the same thing with their club at the top, hold it there while they rotate their hips forward.

  6. I've watched every video you've ever made multiple times. This is one of the very best. Next month I'll be 85 and, in spite of higher scores due to old age, I'm a better golfer today than I ever was. Wish I had known about you 65 years ago!

  7. Hello Paul
    Great video’s and tips.
    Would it be possible to add a tracer to your drives? I think that would make your lessons more impactful to see the full results.
    Thanks again.

  8. Getting the hips to move FIRST is where folks need to go. It's the kinetic chain, same motion as physically "throwing" a golf club, throwing a football or baseball. The lower half moves first, the upper half goes next and the arms follow. The ball is not your target, its the spot "way out there"… and that is where you need to throw towards. Understanding this will get you/us hitting crisp shots 75% of the time until we have engrained it (1 season). Keep pounding this message, Paul! ☺

  9. A training aid which has nothing to do with a club, your arms, or a ball. It strictly focuses on the hips. That, in itself, validates what Paul is telling people.

    As the commercial says, “It’s all in the hips.”

  10. Thanks Paul for so expressly demonstrating how to get the lower body to power the golf swing – getting old (72) , not only presents physical challenges , but also mental ones and your emphasis , repeating of the key concepts of your instruction is very helpful.

  11. Love seeing ya pop up on my feed Paul. I’ve been practicing keeping it loose and I’m already seeing huge improvement in distance and accuracy. Thanks for the tip!

  12. Ironically, when I do this right, and manage to turn off my arms and move my hips, my arms end up going further and wrapping the club shaft around my neck at finish. Thanks again Paul. You helped me win the 2021 Skagit Open!!

  13. Great video Paul.
    Understand the concept, which I first read about in Ben Hogans Five Lessons.
    I’ve tried many times to put this into practice but find I swing left when I fire my hips first as you suggest, and my divots clearly show an out to in swing path. Follow through is very much extremely low and left, which shows a steep Club descent in to the ball?
    I think that I may need to ensure that as well as firing the hips first, I may need to make sure my lead left shoulder comes down at the ball (rather than what’s likely a flat shoulder rotation?) at the same time or immediately after I fire the hips? I’m a right handed golfer by the way.
    Advice will be truly appreciated

  14. Thanks, Paul. You are absolutely the best.

    I have a decades-long ingrained all-arms swing. I have been working on breaking those old bad reflexes via your YT videos and the Body Swing. For the longest time I have found it impossible to overcome my reflex of turning my shoulders simultaneously my hips (i.e. not letting the shoulders lag and be pulled by the hips). Very difficult after so many years.

    Recently I found some success with a visual/mental trick: At the end of my backswing, I I turn my hips leftward while seeing in my peripheral vision my left shoulder and arm lingering in a stationary position. In other words, I consciously look with my eyes at my left arm/shoulder staying quiet and still while I turn my hips left. It somehow takes my mind off of the hit impulse. The resulting swing is entirely relaxed with passive arms and solid impact.

    I’m not sure this means anything to anyone but me. But if somebody struggles, as I do, to relax their arms and upper body and lead with the hips tugging the shoulders then it might be worth a try.

  15. Turn your arms off. Powerless arms. If you are thinking hit, you’re going to move your arms. Turn the hips first. Legs and hips. Love the tip. Love the drill. Great stuff Paul. Thank you😊

  16. Paul. Love all of your videos. Love them. Have bought all your videos. But you never actually give a drill on how to start the hips. The move you state is necessary.

  17. Paul.. I need some help. Had a fantastic 10 holes, then randomly shanked. Have been working through them with some success, but still nervous to hit my sand and 56 degree on the course–I get yippy and start to shank again. I'm so nervous I'm going to shank, my body subconsciously opens the face. I've seen your video on standing tall, moving back and it helps, but when I start to think about it on 20-50 yard shots, I can shank just looking at it. I've been shank free for like 2 years and then suddenly BOOM. Almost ready to quit, so frustrated over it.. and I want to play pro someday… what do I do when I am afraid to swing my normal swing that would hit it right? I'm so shanked up right now. Help!

  18. I have been incorporating your tips and have suggested your videos to many other players. One current issue I have a couple of times a round are bad pulls. Is it getting the hands overly involved ?? Would a weaker right hand grip help ??? Thanks !!

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