Golf Players

The Truth Behind Jay Monahan’s Betrayal and the LIV/PGA Merger

In this video, we take a deep dive into the controversial merger between the Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) and LIV Golf, and the role that Jay Monahan, the PGA Tour Commissioner, played in the process. We explore the history of the PGA and LIV Golf, and the challenges they have faced in the competitive world of professional golf. We also examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of the merger, and the impact it could have on the sport as a whole. But the story doesn’t end there. We also investigate the allegations of betrayal that have been leveled against Monahan by some members of the golf community, and the impact that this controversy has had on the PGA Tour. Whether you’re a golf fan or simply interested in the business of sports, this video is a must-watch for anyone who wants to understand the truth behind this high-stakes merger and the drama that has unfolded around it.

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  1. PGA was dying because the best players were playing for LIV and they knew they had to merge with them if they wanted to keep their status in golf

  2. see monahan dosent have to appologize to anybody because hes part of pga he will resign very rich and on the way out youll hear i took the money and ran

  3. all pga players should boycott until he resigns but maybe alot of players knew about this they dont seem very mad


  5. If you were a PGA Tour member and met the requirement to play in 15 PGAT events/yr and kept your card based on earnings, you were a Member in Good Standing. All the people Monahan ejected were MIGS. I believe that what he did constituted an illegal restraint of trade and violated antitrust laws. With the deep pockets of the PIF, Monahan stood a good chance of losing in court and the PGAT's books were going to be fully opened to scrutiny and his Tour members were going to find out how much money was NOT going to them. Look at their higher purses for the reserve tournaments and the special events for the Premium Members and the Exhorbitant Bonus additions for The Impact Players: where do you think these Millions of Dollars came from? And remember all of this happened ONLY after LIV Golf became a threat to them.
    Frankly, I truly enjoy LIV Golf for the shotgun starts where you don't have to spend 11 hours at the course to see everyone play. I also enjoy the Team aspect which adds a second means of winning huge purses and keeps all the Team engaged even if they aren't individual front runners. I hope Greg Norman stays on as CEO of LIV and continues to grow this great product. It's entirely possible for the two leagues to work together and have members compete across leagues. Greg could increase the number of teams from 12 to 15 or 16.
    I feel bad for the PGAT members who now feel like chumps for trusting Jay, I personally would want him fired. That said, now it's time to figure out how to get your piece of the pie doing what you love to do.

  6. Being logical does t mean its not hypocritical. It just wasnt logical for jay to put the 911 people front and center.

  7. The goal to was to put The Saudis Sports empire in control of golf in world …Gregg Norman was successful and will walk away …Money seems to have run over the PGA in the end '


  9. The truth behind Monahan’s betrayal is the millions of dollars deposited into his personal bank account. He, like Norman, has fucked the game of golf. People will make you pay by withdrawing from playing this sport and as such, great courses will lose but don’t you worry Monahan, like the LIV player, you can live of your blood money. Hopefully America never experiences another 9/11, not that that would worry Monahan or anybody now associated playing with this blood money merger.

  10. The fact is you have to know when to throw in the towel and Jay like him or not new the day had come.
    As for you fools that didn't take the money😢

  11. As we learn more each day several questions arise. Is this fight has just the beginning of the demise of our loved game? Is golf as the fans know it is under siege? Is our country the land of hate as expressed by a famous golfer? Can what is happening be changed for the better? Can we avoid take over by unscrupulous hypocrisy that makes all tour player pawns and sacrificial lams? Are the majority of the fans believing they have been duped and are very unhappy as a result? Are the majority of the players angry and want a better way? Should both the PGA Tour and LIV Golf become like the dinosaurs, gone but not forgotten? Will the Dept. of Justice continue their investigation. Will the PGA Tour be forced out into the open and no longer able to hide behind a 501(c)(6) non-profit corporate status? Is the whole merger idea subject to anti-trust regulations and elevated interest? Will the Saudi's ever actually put money in the hands of Jay Monaham or Jimmy Dunne? Did LIV have any traction rendering it doomed from the onset? Are the tour players fearful of speaking the truth?

    Is it time for change? Who has the power if the fans do not watch and the players do not play, so there is no money to exchange hands? Could the players unite and become their own saviors for themselves and the fans. Could the players go from rich to filthy rich and bring the wealth to fans also in the process? How many millions of dollars does each PGA Tour director, officer, and board member extract from the tour, tax free, buy using loans to avoid taxes, every day? Is the amount above
    twenty million annually for each?

    Are there several Law firms out that could create a corporate status with an initial public offering allowing first the tour players to buy in and second the fans? Would or would not the value of said stock go threw the roof as is common for this type of entity? Could the Green Bays Packers or Manchester United by by comparison a fair indicator of what could happen? Could the players come together, work out the details to fix the wrongs with each other and move on?

    Is is time to find alternative solutions?

  12. Increased tour purses and legal fees was bankrupting the pga tour. They needed a merger and exaggeration to suggest they are still in charge. Monahan May be CEO but PIF leader is the Chairman.

  13. Call it what it is: it’s not that LIV players are returning to the PGA, but rather, that PGA players will now play for LIV. 🤡

  14. The pga was headed for financial disaster. It couldn’t compete with LIV purse wise and more and more sponsors were pulling out because of the ask.

  15. Greed + People + Stupidity + Greed = 'Our New Reality' says Pro gophers all over the world……. 🙁

  16. The biggest thing is PIF’s anti trust lawsuit against the PGA was a winning proposition for them because they could out wait the PGA and watch them go broke fighting it. What the “Deal” ended up doing was making the PGA Tour a Public LLC entity, whereby it could be taken over in future, which will happen likely within 3 years because that’s the amount of time Norman was told that LIV will be fully funded. Nevermind with the moralizing about the Big Bad Saudis when anyone wearing a Nike outfit in reality is supporting China and the Uyghur slave labor.the Moralizing Pros had no problem accepting appearance fees to play in the Middle East or Europe. Monahan will take the slings and arrows to prove in future he actually saved the Tour from Bankruptcy. In the end the players will stop their whining as the cash bigger pay checks.

  17. Money isnt everything. It can come and go. PGA players have become materialistic at the expense of principles and sustenability.

  18. Nothing like your own Stabbing you in the back . Those who judge , are more guilty . Thats a fact , it is right in front of you .

  19. Where's the truth ?? The truth is the PGA is running out of money….and they were going to loose even more good players , like J.Rahm !? Evidently , you will never ear the truth from the PGA ,it's too embarassing !

  20. I used to think golf was a game built on honor and integrity and morals not anymore J sold out AMF

  21. 😅Money,Money,Money!!so obvious. Players will go were the bigger money is offered. Liv and PGA have found a way to make more money for themselves.

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