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14 opponents linked yet Tyson Fury STRUGGLING to find his NEXT opponent?

Latest Boxing News: 14 opponents strongly linked but Tyson Fury STRUGGLING to find his NEXT opponent? #tysonfury #anthonyjoshua #oleksandrusyk

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  1. What a shambolic dirty stain on the sport. They continue to insult the fans by calling this wasteman the champ.
    Respec to AJ never ducked no man

  2. Fight Sanchez !!!! Regardless of how much u make , the fans would respect u more for fighting the best ,, Uve made enough money fight the best for the best not the amount of money u can make

  3. Fury is on camera methed up. His lower jaw is in a weird position sticking out over his upper jaw. One of the main side effects of Methamphetamine use. He’s also been seen on camera drunk out of his face on alcohol. He also said when asked did he watch the Haney fight that he didn’t because he was drunk. He’s a cocaine snorter on top of that. He’s also a Pathological Liar, making up stories as he goes along. He plays both the Hero and Victim, that’s what Pathological Liars do. He needs to be randomly drug tested, he’s already failed a test for Nandrolone. He’s a 🤡 with a big mouth as well.

  4. So what is your point supposed to be really,fury scared of them all this is why he has got so many opponents

  5. It should be Ruiz,or miller,both are not pushovers,and would be willing to fight for crossover fights,they are pointless as you say.

  6. Tyson Fury is a burden to Warren, He already was unable to promote him properly, thats why he is only a second fiddle co-promotor besides Arum, but now with Fury unable to enter the US, having pissed of the Saudi one time to many and being a total diva when it comes to fightpurse and split expectations Warren can not deliver for his client, has no control over his erratic behaviour and is forced to defend his lies and ridiculous demands nontheless and thereby losing credibilty.

  7. Tony Bel end has just done an interview and he was saying AJ for some unknown reasons never backed himself against Tyson. So AJ never had a trainer and just come out AJ never fancied his chances but it was Tyson that ducked him

  8. Come on Sporting Icons. You know as well as me Kash Ali has priced himself out at almost 12 grand to come out of retirement. Fury told him it's a 99.9 to 0.1 split or nothing. Because it's a very dangerous fight for Fury. There's a very real chance he might get bitten

  9. Fury Vs Joe Rogan is the fight to make. Rogan is only in his 50s and about 5 foot 8 tall so poses a credible threat. Fury has given the blueprint to go from champ to chump without losing any fights

  10. The heavyweight division is gone to the dogs.anyone holding a belt should have to defend it 3 times a year or else get stripped. Simple as that

  11. Joe Joyce, with four eyes, would have still gotten his head beat in.

  12. I've been a massive Fury fan . I've defended him an umpteenth number of times. I can't for the life of me see why he's avoiding Usyk, whom in my opinion he can comfortably beat. Fury has all the advantages over him . Usyk is basically an excellent boxer , but never a natural heavyweight. He hasn't the power to trouble Fury let alone knock him out.

  13. Don't worry Tyson Fury is trying to say he'll fight them all and beat them all on the same night!!! He is the spartan, a true warrior where belts, legacy, same, money don't matter to him and he only fights the best as he says and he himself is the best!


    When it really comes down to it he will pull out somehow like he always does. He will just call out people, mess around with everyone including his own people and will only fight when he really has to as in if he really will get stripped of his belt if he doesn't get an agreement on a certain deadline.

    Apart from Fury's boxing capabilities, Fury is an example of what a boxer should not be. The only thing he is a good example of what a boxer should be is his skills in the ring. However, everything else he is a terrible and is a good example of what boxers should not be. He keeps on holding back the division, stops undisputed, ducks people, calls out people and blame everyone else when it is him who causes all the delays, drama, cancellations etc. There's way too many things to list at this point.

    To make it worse, some youtubers have more guts to fight people than the Tyson and Tommy does. Jake actually has more guts to even try and agree winner takes everything while loser gets nothing. Tyson avoids and his own brother Tommy has been avoiding Jake and when it finally happened he wasn't that confident that he would beat the guy hence he didn't agree to it.

    People can say what they want about both Nathan Gorman and Hughie Fury and yes of course I do think Tyson is of course vastly superior to them in terms of boxing but at least his cousins have the guts to go and fight people and aren't afraid of taking that L.

    This is why even if AJ loses to Wilder or anyone else for that matter people will think better of AJ rather than Fury because Fury keeps messing around and ducking Usyk who Fury has been saying is a middle weight etc and how easy he is yet wouldn't agree to a 70/30. Kept trying to blame Usyk etc. AJ at the very least has the guts to fight people and take the L. AJ at some points was close to losing to Wladmir but was happy to rematch Wladmir if he wanted and of course respectfully and understandably Wladmir decided to retire. Usyk was clear winner for the first fight but AJ adjusted and made a much closer fight in the rematch and despite everything he wasn't afraid of taking another L.

    Fury on the other hand just calls out the whole world and fights no one. He will duck people as well. So much for being the best and such a spartan.

  14. Fury is bumping around the place with his big flabby belly hanging over his belt and a load of Columbian disco dust in his brain. He aint fighting anyone.

  15. Fury does not want to fight, he just wants attention to stay relevant. I suspect he may have relapsed, thus avoiding a fight to avoid detection.

  16. People, who really enjoy boxing, especially elite heavyweight boxing, are literally fed up with a guy like Fury. I don't wanna sound racist and this shouldn't be misinterpreted as racist, but there's something to the bad reputation, that gypsies have all over the world. They cheat, they steal and when people find out about having been cheated, they simply disappear, because they have no real home. That's a personal experience, so i know, what I'm talking about and no-one can call me racist, and Fury's showing me, that all, what gypsies are so much disliked and discriminated for, is truly justified, because they truly ARE cheaters, they truly ARE liars, they truly ARE thieves, because it's not like a few of them are like that, no, the exception is, if one of them is truly honest, coz in general they'll try to con you, if you give them the opportunity. I can only say: be very careful, when you depend on a gypsie's honesty, coz it's very likely, that you'll get disappointed, and unfortunately Tyson Fury's not the exception. His BS talk about being the self-proclaimed mental health ambassador people can also dispose in the garbage bin. That's, where his words belong as well. Fury shouldn't be allowed to fool the boxing community, coz there's a red line, which he has definitely crossed. Up to that red line we can look at things like trash talk as mind games in order to destabilize an opponent, but that's not, what Fury is doing, coz Fury is doing nothing but cheating the fans, the promoters, the whole boxing world including the business, that's attached to it, because he's pretending like he wants to fight, but in reality he's already in a corner, in which there's only one fight left, everything else is cheating, even if he makes a fight, because that's not gonna be a true challenge, it's gonna be a cherry pick and that's also cheating, so Fury, do the whole boxing world a favor and get lost, coz there's no room for you in serious boxing talks anymore, since you've proven too many times, that you're an outright cheater, liar and conman, what gypsies unfortunately are known to be and why they're usually shunned. My personal experience goes even as far as crime of the worst kind, that had a traumatizing effect on me, when I was a little child, so for me this Fury saga has more than just an effect of negative entertainment or of being an outright nuisance, it rather reminds me of traumatic experiences, coz gypsies even tried to kidnap me, and my parents shocked me by screaming at me, that I was careless, when I allowed the gypsy woman to take my hand and almost abduct me and I was only saved, because my grandfather saw, what was happening, and my parents scared me by telling me, that gypsies poke little children's eyes out and send them begging. That's, how far bad experiences with gypsies can go, and I almost became a victim of whatever they would have done with me, so Fury's still one of the "better" guys, who "ONLY" lies, cheats and cons. At least, that's what we know about him, but only he knows, what he'd do, if he wasn't rich!? In case Fury reads these words, hopefully he understands, that they're not being said with hatred but they're meant as a reminder and a warning to him, that he has a responsibility for the whole gypsy community to not give another blow to their bad reputation by behaving the way he behaves, but instead do something good, what he still can do by fighting Usyk and showing the world, that he only tried to make this fight more attractive but her never tried to run and then lie to the whole world. Fury, you still can turn this thing around, otherwise you'll be regarded as one of the BIGGEST cowards in heavyweight boxing history. And my words about gypsies are based on true and extremely bad personal experiences, and Fury had the chance to improve the gypsies reputation, yet TILL TODAY he MISERABLY FAILED!!!!

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