Golf Players

Hit Hard, Stop Quick… but FASTER!

HIT HARD, STOP QUICK, but FASTER! If there’s one video you watch until the end today, make sure it’s this one!

Learn the secret of how to transition from Hit Hard, Stop Quick to a full swing you can use on the golf course.

There is no drill that is as effective as HIT HARD, STOP QUICK at immediately improving your contact and ball striking. If you want to hit the ball first, and ground second, then this drill will teach you how to do that faster than anything else out there.

However, the most common question 🙋🏻‍♂️ I get asked about Hit Hard, Stop Quick is, “how do I transfer to a ‘full swing’?”. This video will address this question and show you exactly how to build up your speed to hit “full shots” but keep the geometry and structure of the swing intact.

I can promise you that NOBODY is teaching this and yet EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU would benefit from practicing this way!

Learn to upgrade the geometry and structure of your golf swing, while adding more speed and power that will help you hit the ball more consistency AND farther than you’re doing right now.

This drill is a true GAME CHANGER for every level of golfer. So get out there and add HHSQ to your range sessions and soon you’ll be hitting the ball better than ever before!

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  1. Adopted this drill when Rob first introduced it some time ago. It really cannot be faulted, it's not only good on the practice range but also a good drill to "have in the bag" prior to competition or even just a casual round of golf.

  2. i have used this (slowly) when my QL was giving me hell, other blokes were killing me off the T but i shot a 41 for 9 which i very happy with. QL came good then i went to full swing game went to shite. So i will go back to it in small steps as neck is getting sore as from a full swing (prob over doing it)

  3. Thanks once again Rob. I'm never going to try to get my deceleration zone past 90 again.

  4. Rob I am 76y.o. And a long time golfer. Since discovering stack and tilt and your vids I consistently shoot in the mid 70’s from the white tees. If I move up to the gold’s I am pretty much scratch. This is a great drill for solid, consistent contact plus greatly improved distance-especially for us old timers. Thanks for your good work.

  5. Contact and compression is great with this drill, but how do get more height so that it land softly on the green?

  6. Hi Rob i got the mat on the floor how can i get the measurements for the grid you got made or how can i make this grid

  7. This is simply THE best drill ever! Can absolutely take to the course…ty sir. My fault is not getting my through tilt (right shoulder ) through the ball…problem solved!

  8. Thank you for the reminder, Rob! It is an incredible drill that frankly, many instructors don't even mention. Their loss. 🙂 Cheers, Rob!

  9. Great drill, thanks again! I try to feel this when trying to hit out of tall grass where I don't really want a follow through or maybe a low punch shot under a tree branch but playing the ball back in the stance a little.

  10. Great drill really help me apply the brake at the proper time I use it for my practice swing hit the ball really well today. Thank you so much.

  11. Thanks Rob, always love the intelligent, consistent, and extremely relevant content of your instruction. Best regards, Richard.

  12. I’ve recommended this drill to several people. It really is legit. I immediately use this on the course when trying to hit a crisp punch shot under a tree. The strike is always phenomenal. Just like you said…. This drill automatically promotes sooooo many good things at impact, and beyond. Excellent arm, and wrist structure through the ball. Feeling the correct left side extension, and right side bend through impact. Feeling the hips, and shoulders slightly open. You’ll feel the pressure, and resistance in your left leg, as you apply the breaks after impact. This creates that “snap” that’s needed. I could go on, and on. But, you’ll get the picture, once you try it for yourself.

  13. I shot 3 over yesterday, with an amazing ball striking day(chipping, and putting was a little off). Only one swing thought all day. I wanted to feel “extended” just after impact. That feeling of both arms straight, with the shaft inline with my chest after impact, pointing at my target(shaft level to the ground). You have to turn to get to this position. Left side has to feel extended, with the left shoulder going back, and around. Your right obliques will feel slightly crunched, as your right shoulder goes down, under, and through. You should feel that your head is slightly tilted to the right as you watch your ball start towards your target. Not many amateurs feel this after impact position, but it is so key.

  14. I've fiddled with this type of swing for a long time. It does work, but for some reason, I can't transfer it to the course.

  15. This really is the world's best golf drill, but it's funny too. I call it the 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock drill but my novice students always start with a back swing to 11:00 and follow through to midnight. It takes a while but when they get it all sorts of light bulbs go off. They stick with it as are always impressed with how far I can hit the ball with such a short swing. I've been using it as a warm up in my own practice sessions and on the course. I've never hit the ball more solid or straighter. It's a must drill.😎

  16. Every time I do this drill my ball striking dramatically improves. I often do it on the course and inevitably, over time, I move away from it. No more! This is my new religion and I’m never going to stray from this agin!

  17. would you advise this for driver too? does follow through position have subtle differences for fade draw high low that can be discussed?

  18. This sounds like a recipe for muscular injury in the elderly and those with less flexibility. Hit hard by all means but bringing all that energy to an abrupt halt puts a lot of strain on the body.

  19. Just want to say that you are an excellent teacher. That was one of, if not the best golf lessons I've seen on youtube, and I've seen quite a few. Not to mention pre-internet when I bought golf video VCR tapes and DVDs. Your lesson got me excited to head to the golf course and it was so clearly explained and persuasive that I think it will work for me. Of course, it's golf, and you never know but it clearly addresses one of my biggest weaknesses – ball strking with irons. Thanks!

  20. Hi Rob-Can't get enough of this drill. MAGIC- learn something new every time-EG: ball only about 2 inches off left heel with 8 iron. Have a great day-Russ

  21. This is a great drill that you can do as part of a pre shot retinue. It works as it should😊

  22. Hi, are you using your trail (right) arm to push or stay into your body to help slow down quickly?

  23. love these videos – you are making a difference ! thanks
    btw just tried this drill, hard to stop the club in the beginning!

  24. This is amazing. Quick question. As you are getting to full swing on the course, are you always trying to stop the swing just a little later?

  25. Went to the range today and hit 85 balls and took about 70 practice swings and I have never had better contact. Had about 5 misfits. My shots were very straight. I took your advice and and did it over a 2 HR. Session and took many practice swings 9 8 and 7 iron only. I'm 81 years old and was not tired after this drill. Can't wait to do the 90 90 90 drill. Excellent video and and my results were amazing.

  26. Hey Rob, this drill has transformed my game.. only thing is I wish we could change the name to swing fast stop quick because when I hear “hard” i physically tense up which leads to some problems. Thanks again!

  27. New to the channel! Just set up the grid in my garage for hitting to my net. Yesterday, I spent about two hours just working on this drill "Hit Hard, Stop Quick". I've been using stack & tilt for one year. This is the best overall contact with consistency I've had. This drill has me working on takeaway, keeping weight forward, Knees, right arm connection, straight arms at impact, and for me the right shoulder down through impact. This will be an everyday drill all season I am sure. 🤓

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