Golf Players

Marcus D’almeida V Oh Jin Hyek | Recurve Men Gold | Archery World Cup 2023 Stage 2 Shangai

Marcus D’almeida V Oh Jin Hyek | Recurve Men Gold | Archery World Cup 2023 Stage 2 Shangai

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  1. It’s amazing how they make it look easy but in reality it’s anything but. 😍 that’s how you know they’re good at what they do.

  2. At this level archers like these two use actual nerves for their bow strings. I concur with Sjef that sometimes watching Oh's process can be kinda nerve-wrecking? 🙂 Great deserved win for d'Almeida. And is it surprising that the World #1 spent some time training in Korea?

  3. Korea has been famous as the best archery nation in Northeast Asia since 5,000 years ago. In particular, Goguryeo, an ancient country in Korea, rode horses in Manchuria and used the bow as a free rein. The talent for archery is the DNA of Koreans who have been around for thousands of years.😊

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