Golf Players

LIV and the PGA merge, Miami Takes Game 2 & Cardi B Hates Being Rich | The Stephen A. Smith Show

Stephen A breaks down the surprising merger of the PGA tour and LIV golf league followed by the Miami Heat’s game 2 victor in the Finals. He then expresses his thoughts on Florida sending migrants to California and then tries to make sense out of Cardi B saying that being a millionaire is actually boring.

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On The Stephen A. Smith Show, Smith gives you his renowned point of view, breaking barriers beyond the world of sports, and tackling pertinent issues across entertainment, pop culture, society, business, and politics. Three times a week, you’ll hear his LIVE unfiltered opinions on the day’s biggest headlines as well as straight-shooting interviews with top celebrities, game-changers, and thought leaders across the societal arena. The Stephen A. Smith Show is sure to entertain, inform, and motivate anyone who tunes in.


  1. Can I say how appreciative I am that Stephen A has his own Podcast on YouTube… Such an Objective mind he has, don't he?!…. I could listen to him 24/7 🤭💪…

  2. It’s wild that we live in a world where believing that an 82 year old man may not be the best option available to hold the most all consuming, stressful and demanding job in the world is now a controversial opinion. We see people like an Obama who was decades younger than that visibly age rapidly in that role from what it demands but need to virtue signal for a man to hold the role who would be close to 90 by the end of his next term in office. Not only that but the man is clearly showing signs of decline and in all reality is probably handling less of the duties than others would. Do people ever consider this shit practically at any point? Just imagine your grandma or grandpa who you don’t even really feel comfortable being allowed to drive comes to you and says they’re going to take on the most demanding job that exists. Would you be good with that or would you be concerned with it because clearly it probably isn’t a good fit at that stage of life? Maybe you get past that if he’s sharp as ever but that isn’t the case here. People need to get off their perch and be realistic with this.

  3. Saudi Arabia (PIF specifically) want to invest in sports across the world including my favorite football club Newcastle United. I think it's perfectly fine. I can see fake outrage from a mile away.

  4. I am gonna stop watching this load of shit and I’ll leave my feedback-
    Stop treating it like a TV show. There’s a reason podcasts are on the rise, TV type programming doesn’t work anymore. And for the love of god stop the self-absorbing commentary peppered all over the show. Stop singing your own praises man. Unwatchable.

  5. Dam right about these people's age. They need to relinquish some of that dam power. SAS needs to speak on these men trying to compete in women's sports.

  6. Lets not talk about Saudi / US trade deals. Because all you sell is weapons to slaughter civilians in Yemen

  7. Stephen A i luv your honesty my brotha about both sides of the political isle. I wish more folks in media would have the "cahonez" to at least be honest about border policy along with other real life issues.
    Love the show. Keep em coming!

  8. Lol the best we got are two 80 year olds to choose from crazy if that happens again

  9. Speaking as a black conservative, I am sick and tired of the notion that black people are expected to keep their lips firmly attached to anyone that the Democratic Party tells us to vote for

  10. Stephen Smith is my dude for real he speaks his mind no filter so animated let's go say what you want!

  11. how you gonna say we need another president and have the nerve to say you voted for him! You're part of the problem you knew his age when you casted your vote! Shouldnt have voted for the damn fraud to begin with! #Trump2024

  12. You think you go hard 😂😂😂😂😂you ain't hard for real

  13. I think you missed the perfect opportunity to call your podcast “SAS – Different Day” when you changed the name.

  14. Appreciate you not folding and standing up for what you believe in we definitely need a better president hopefully we get one that believes in God

  15. Stephen. A sound scared of ol Shay Sharpe! Talking bout “it ain’t going to happen.” Like it’s your call to make…. You got bosses sir.
    ….You want to throw him in football season rotation. The man proved he can cover multiple sports and his commentary , and entertainment value rivals yours, so I get it. But,..if ya scared say ya scared … in my Mystical voice.

  16. I agree with you on so much Stephen A….but “ Kamala needs to EARN…” something when you are then throwing in Michelle Obama????…who has done absolutely nothing.Cmon Man. Agree with you on Joe…it’s Time, but some of these names you throw out makes me think you should stick to sports.

  17. Everyone is allowed,sorry from the time they decided to take, all rules were off,the last shall be first, I'm with my native brothers and sisters from the Latin south!!

  18. Steven A. you hit the nail on the head as far as Joe Biden. We need younger. Mr Biden has done much for this country, but the man is just too old, and it's a shame that he is put in this position. Thank you for speaking up!

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