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Combined Manchester Derby XI | FA Cup Special Part 4

In the final section of our FA Cup Special, we set the team on a challenging mission of selecting the ultimate all-time XI from the Premier League era Derby Day style, combining players from both Manchester United and Manchester City.

Representing the red side, Roy and Gary stepped up to the plate, drawing from their personal experiences alongside a host of incredible legends during their time at United.

On the blue side, Micah and Jill faced a similarly difficult task, having had the privilege of working alongside some incredible Man City teams and the not so incredible!

Let us know in the comments who make your Manchester Derby Day XI? 👇



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  1. That's a brilliant team…. But just imagine it with Haaland instead , like just the shear amount of goals that Haaland and Ronaldo would score is insane with De Bruyne and Giggs to supply them 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  2. She said it’s gotta be toure and silva can’t leave silva out and seconds later she said gotta be Scholes 😂

  3. City fans need to get it into their heads that just because David Silva is a club legend and one of their best ever players doesn't mean he gets into these all time XIs. As a Chelsea fan Kante or Makelele easily get into my Chelsea all time XI and they're some of the best players I've ever seen. The impact they had/have had on games is massive. But if it came to picking a combined Chelsea/United XI I would understand that the only Chelsea midfielder that has an argument to be on Keane and Scholes' level is Lampard. Doesn't matter how much I love the others. But for some reason City fans can't get it into their heads that just because Silva was amazing doesn't mean he can get into an XI over the likes of De Bruyne, Keane, Scholes etc.

  4. Tbf if we are looking at all time combined 11 then only city players that can actually have a case are De bruyne, Silva, Aguero, Toure and Kompany besides them none now in a few years there could be a few more city players

  5. Boot Keane out, move Rooney to holding midfielder and argue the centre forwards for another hour 😂

  6. As a City fan, 22 years of age this is how my personal preference would line up:

    4-1-2-1-2 (narrow – 2 CMs, 1 attacking mid, 1 holding mid)

    De Bruyne

    Obviously there are players that may be missing that I have never seen play but as of preference and from what I have seen, this is my combined 11. Even if you disagree, this is undoubtedly an insane side.

  7. Irwin – Ferdinand – Stam – Nev – there's no debate that the back four is made up of united. I personally love evra and saw him more but from what I've heard about him he seems undeniable.

    Also it's obviously Rooney, although I'd probably drop Giggs if I'm being honest. I don't see a problem with Rooney LW he played it for one of our most successful seasons ever

  8. 11v11
    Schmeichel vs Ederson
    Neville vs Walker
    Stam and Vidic vs Kompany and Dias
    Irwin vs Clichy
    Keane vs Toure
    Scholes vs De Bruyne
    Beckham vs David Silva
    Ronaldo vs Sterling
    Rooney and Cole/Ruud vs Aguero and Tevez

    This is how i wouldve lined it up

  9. Micah genuinely have the worst ball knowledge ever. To try pick lescott ahead of Man Utd cbs😂

  10. The Aguero disrespect is crazy. Mentioning him in the same sentence as Van Nistelrooy is hilarious 😂😂

  11. To not have David Silva in there is absolutely mind blowing, all 10 of them outfield players are not fit to clean his boots. No player as special as him on that team sheet.

  12. Not enough respect on aguero, as a technical player aguero is a better player then Rooney

  13. I have no idea why Micah is arguing for Yaya over Keane when he should be arguing Fernandinho instead. Such a criminally underrated player

  14. Big Pete
    Walker vidic stam Irwin
    Scholes de bruyne
    Rooney aguero Ronaldo
    Truly depends on if it's based on peak or career or just time in prem though.
    Think toure in prime can take nearly everyone out. Man was an unstoppable bully.

  15. Micah was not understanding the assignment and was frustrating to watch. Good job Gary, Roy and Jill for staying composed.

  16. Micha saying pep would rather yaya than scholes was absolutely hilarious pep literally had yaya at Barca and never played him

  17. Guys Dennis Irwin looked like an accountant…but gaaaaaad damn as an Arsenal supporter that man was underrated!!!

  18. United fan I love Gary but walker is the best English right back I’ve watched play I’m 28 before anyone starts chatting shit 😂

  19. If it was all time Manchester 11 not one city player would get in the team The Busby Babes would take most positions Best Law & Charlton are certain add Ronaldo ;Scholes;Keane,Rooney,Cantona its not even close.

  20. My 11 in a 4 3 3 would be Schmeical
    Walker Rio Kompany Irwin
    De bruyne Keane bernardo
    Cantona Aguero Giggs
    Pep coach

  21. I will never understand how Kompany always seems to find his way into these kind of things. He was great captain and was the heart and soul of those early city teams but he could not stay healthy. There is no way anyone with a functioning brain would pick Kompany over Rio.

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