New Jersey Teacher Hopes Her Students Die of the ‘Rona | Just Tryin’ to Save Your @$$

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Items referenced:
VIDEO: Local Karen Is Mad Young Man Is Not Sheltering In Place, Tells Him His “@$$ Is Grass”:
Livingston County 911 getting 40-50 calls daily on stay home order violations:
Naugatuck mayor shuts down golf course after video of crowds not social-distancing emerges:
Hamilton teacher caught on tape telling students she hopes they ‘die’ of CV:
NJ Teacher Screams at Kids in Park, Says She Hopes They “Die” of CV:
Teacher profile:
Kids likely don’t play ‘significant role’ in passing CV to adults, report says:
New study finds few cases of outdoor transmission of CV in China:
CV: Should outdoor exercise be banned and parks closed?:
Is the Virus on My Clothes? My Shoes? My Hair? My Newspaper?:
Sunlight destroys virus quickly, new govt. tests find, but experts say pandemic could last through summer:
Freedom vs. safety sign: