Learn How To Be Tension Free In Your Golf Swing

Many players struggle with being too tense in their golf swing. This can cause all sorts of problems when it comes to properly executing an efficient swing. In this video, I’ll guide you through the prime factors contributing to this tension and offer tangible, effective solutions for a more relaxed, tension-free golf swing. Make sure to subscribe for more weekly golf tips, and don’t forget to check out the free video on understanding setup linked below. Thank you for your support!

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  1. Very good lesson. Tension free starts with the grip for me, then doing exactly what you’re talking about.

  2. Good video, when I FINALLY eased the tension in my arms and hand I picked up a ton of yardage! Thanks fore the lesson!

  3. Thanks. Very refreshing to see a young instructor not worried about ridiculous things like shallowing or holding face angle at impact.
    I would say to add to your thoughts is turning your hips at top of backswing

  4. That's right. I struggled with shanks and my swing was very robotic..
    Then I figured out the shanks and finally started to watch Nelly Korda..imo, the most efficient swing in the sport..

  5. Trevor this resonates with me a ton. When I practice at the simulator or in the park I hit the ball pretty well. As soon as I get to the course whether playing by myself or in a comp it just feels like I dont know how to play golf anymore. Im so focused on playing well or hitting a score that I am gripping the living ** out of the club. I played in a compt today dreadfully after a great week of practice and someone in my group pointed out how tense I looked. A skill i must perfect. Effects my putting a lot too.

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