Golf Babe

The Ten Commandments of High Handicap Golf

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The ten commandments of high handicap golf


0:00 Intro
0:23 The First Commandment
1:22 The Second Commandment
2:01 The Third Commandment
2:27 The Fourth Commandment
3:07 The Fifth Commandment
3:38 The Sixth Commandment
5:25 The Seventh Commandment
7:23 The Eighth Commandment
8:37 The Ninth Commandment
10:25 The Tenth Commandment
10:55 Bonus Commandment
11:43 Applying the Commandments
15:54 Round Recap


  1. Another great video! Youtube videos (especially yours)plus a little more practice have drastically improved my game. I'm still a high handicap, but my shot making and desicion making are much better now. I only play once or twice a month but I'm getting close to being able to play reasonably well.

  2. Terrific video, Adam. Informative, well-edited(!), and completely enjoyable. Thanks for posting. Beautiful course and great advice. Cheers. 🦘⛳️🦘

  3. I’ve gone from a 24 to a 17 with no swing changes! Your tips on how to play as a high handicap golfer have helped my scores a lot.

  4. This question probably shows why I'm a bad gofler. But why does choking down on the grip reduce the distance? Also I'm assuming that works for all clubs?

    Ps. Love the video!

  5. Watching your channel is a nice refresher from watching most youtube golf where guys are shooting 2 and 3 under. Thanks for the good entertainment

  6. i heard this guy say "when you're playing golf you're playing golf, not golf swing" and those words echo in my head whenever im on the course
    this really helped me start trusting my swing and not getting so frustrated over mis-hits.

  7. I honestly review course management thoughts before every round, along with visualizing the course on Google Earth.
    Then by the 4th hole I'm hitting Driver Off the Deck and pin hunting through trees rather than punching out.

  8. played club competitions in Thailand and usually 6200 yards because lots of water hazards. 6500 yards on a wet day with no run is extremely difficult.

  9. Great video! Focusing on the shot at hand is huge. The junk before shouldn’t affect the one at hand

  10. Crazy I can't think of a course near me in the UK with water where getting the ball wet wouldn't be three off the tee for sure. Not many take a penalty and use a drop zone

  11. Wow that shot of you playing of the tee on the 7th with the mountains in the background just took my breath away

  12. Your videos are game changing man. I'm a 24 handicap and trying to get myself under 20 this summer. I'm sure you've got this question many times, but how did you get so automatic on 5-7 foot putts? Any recommendations or best practices?

  13. I had to really learn to check my ego about ten years ago when I was fiftyish and my son was twentyish, I noticed he was typically hitting one club less than me, now he’s 31 and I’m turning 60 next month and I had to do it again, now he’s hitting two clubs less than me.😕

  14. I love how you’ve added some right side bend through impact. Goodbye duck hooks, my friend. Right side bend is so key for not only getting through the ball, for a good finish, but it’s also very helpful in controlling the face. Pretty much every amateur that I see needs more right side bend. I personally add even more side bend when I really need a predictable ball flight, on a tight hole. It turns out either straight, or a slight fade. Of course, strike is king in golf, but a predictable ball flight is a close second. Distance is third. That’s the only thing you’re lacking. You’re a pretty solid player, though. Love your videos.

  15. Best YouTube content. You've improved my head space and my approach. I've shaved about 5 strokes off my handicap in the last 5 months. I still suck, but man does it feel better.

  16. I can’t wait until my game is this good! “High handicap” has different definitions for some people.

  17. Your "best" drive / 7i or your "average"? Seems average should be the answer no? I hit it 280 a couple times a year, but average 258. Big diff.

  18. Were you not supposed to take you 3rd shot from the tee after driving into water?

  19. Every time I tee it up with strangers I say, “I’m a 16, so I’ll play from up there.” I hit the ball well for my level, so they’ll immediately start with the, “you sure you’re a 16?!” It can be easy to get goaded into playing the wrong set of tees, and when you do, the game is nearly impossible. Ego has no place on the golf course

  20. That is one of my favorite courses to play but it also owns me. Several holes are inspired mirrors of PGA West Stadium Course.

  21. The greatest lesson I ever had was from my father. He always said that if you get in trouble don’t go for the hero shot pitch out and make sure you get guarantee your bogey and if you’re lucky enough maybe your par. I used that thought on the fourteenth hole at Torrey Pines South in 1987 I pitched out of trouble then hit my wedge to one foot for the par and went on to win the City Championship. Always play to avoid the double bogey.

  22. Love the videos Adam! We have modeled our style after yours. Thanks for being our favorite youtube golfer!

  23. 28 putts. Dang man. If you averaged that, that would be top 10 on the PGA tour. Of course they play harder courses, but still man, your short game is lit

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