Golf Players

SHOCKING! Brawl between golfers breaks out AFTER GROUP PLAYS TO SLOW..

This is shocking… It is all over the news after a HUGE brawl breaks out between 2 groups of golfers after 1 group accuses the other of playing FAR TO SLOW! we have seen HUGE issue with pace of play on the PGA tour with Patrick Cantlay & in the masters with Brooks Koepka and Patrick Cantlay but this must be happing at golf courses across America and across Europe too!

Golfers PLAYING far to slow and the PACE of pay issue will just keep getting worse & worse but surly not to break out into a brawl!! I found this article in all major news outlets, Golf Digest, Golf Magic and the Daily Mail!

But how long should a round of golf take? Should you speak to the group infront about their slow play?

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  1. I’m Sure someone will say I’m the bad guy here.and you wouldn’t really be wrong. But here goes.

    We went around a painfully slow foursome one day. After waiting on them at every hole. And watching the gap between them and the group in front of them widen and widen. We had had enough. So we just skipped that hole and went around them.

    It was two much older couples in carts. Late 60s early 70s. As I said. They were taking forever. And At this point. two holes had opened up ahead of them. And two or three groups were backed up behind us. I could see it from this particular vantage point on the course. So me and my buddy just went around them. We tee off on the next tee. Get to our second shot. Still no one in front of us. No one behind. I hit my second shot . And We are Getting ready to go to the green. This guy comes over the hill in his cart at full speed. Which is of course not all that fast . He Jumps out of his cart literally running at me. Yelling. Did you just fucking go around us? Did you just fucking go around us? And generally cursing his face off. I said yah. There’s two empty holes in front of you guys. So no harm no foul. I tried to introduce myself and extended a handshake and a smile. He then moved towards me aggressively while raising his hands and continuing to swear. I instinctively moved back to keep the proper distance. But my buddy just kinda got in front of him and said woah there buddy. For some reason he was squarely focused on me and me alone. For what it’s worth. It wouldn’t have gone well for him . I’m pretty calm in these types of situation. And have learned to ignore loud people. As they tend to just be loud. Anyone who can actually fight, or has training does not generally carry themselves in that manner. Generally. Speaking. And As someone with years of martial arts training. Who unfortunately has experience with dealing with physical altercations. . (Which I am not proud of. And I am I’m not saying this to sound tough. Even typing this makes me feel like a total jack hole. But it’s just what it is. ). fighting random people on a golf course is a waste of a greens fee . And might screw up my headspace over the golf ball. And when the cops come. My round just went from 6 hours to overnight in a jail cell. Soooo. Ya know. maybe not a good way to save time.

    Needless to say, I was pretty unfazed by his level of aggression. I also don’t think there is much honor in putting some angry old man in any number of submission holds in Front of his wife and friends. So I just stood there calmly smiling. I told him have a great round. And to now enjoy not feeling like you constantly have people waiting on you guys. And they can take their time. (Until the next group catches up to them. Which would have been 1 minute later in all likelihood. Which I did not say) And to enjoy this beautiful day. This was all said sincerely and in the kindest possible tone. I was being literally and almost comically pleasant. Which sent him raging harder. Which in turn made me start to laugh. This sent him into another level of rage. But it’s possible my calmness may have indicated that it wasn’t going to go well for him. He may have thought because I am somewhat thin. I would be afraid of him. I’m 6 ft and a lean 175 lbs. It is also notable My buddy is former military. But angry guy eventually drove away. I gave a friendly wave and a have great day… We just went on w the round. All’s well that ends well I suppose.

    Should I have done what I did? maybe not. Could I have asked politely. Of course I could have. But I don’t have 6 hours to play 18 holes while 2 dipshits And their poor wives. ( Who seemingly may have played golf for all of 2 weeks at this point. Which is fine of course.) But I don’t have 6 hours to watch these slugs derp around in outer space and chit chat. While the entIre golf course gets backed up and I have to hit each of my shots with a gallery of annoyed people behind me. Sorry. But not sorry.

    Next time I will politely ask to play through. We’ll see how that goes.

    But you tell me.. am I the asshole here?

  2. I believe you need to self police on slow play, I don't think the group behind should have to approach you to point it out at that point I assume they would already be frustrated, I believe it's your responsibility to maintain pace of play.

    Be aware of your surroundings and maintain a reasonable consistent gap to the group in front but if people are starting to gather behind you and you are not waiting for a group in front then you need to be aware enough to step aside.

    There is nothing worse than a brutally slow group who do not even acknowledge that you have caught them and are now waiting on every tee box on every shot. It's unacceptable and these people need to understand that when the course is busy you don't get to play a leisurely round at the expense of everyone else. Personally slow play and extended waiting ruins my game and I begin to play very poorly so I'm overly aware to not put other people in that position when avoidable.

  3. 4’ 25” for 4. Fights happen more than you think. Asking the marshal to ask the group in front to speed up still will cause tension. We were teeing off and asked the guys on the last green to be quiet during our tee shots and they wanted to fight. I think the same attitude is present in society today – traffic, at sports games, in schools, all over there are short tempers, not just on the golf course.

  4. One thing I have often witnessed is a group goes to each golfers ball and waits until he hits before going to their own ball. Sometimes it is okay when a short hitter is behind every other golfer, but when one is right and another is left they need to go to their ball and be ready to hit when it is their turn. All practice swings need to be taken as soon as you get to your ball. In our group we often two golfers hit almost simultaneously when the golfers are far enough apart to not create a hazard. Also we don’t hold meetings on the green or keep score on or near the green we just finished playing.

  5. I think there are a lot of variables that impact the speed of play that are not the fault of the golfer. For instance, cart path only. This slows down the pace of play dramatically. Also, prohibiting carts 60 yards from the green which requires the player to drive the cart to the green and walk back to his ball. Our course has exceptionally long rough and it is difficult to find your ball, which requires longer time to hunt for the ball. I label all of these things Superintendents Golf Rules. It’s like the course exists for the convenience of the Superintendents and the players are a major inconvenience. If speed of play is a number one priority, then set the course up for fast play. Also, write a fast play manifesto and give it to each golfer, no exceptions. Prohibit things like honors. Play ready golf. Prohibit betting. When there is $20 on the line, there are no gimmes. Every putt takes forever. You can easily add 4 or 5 minutes per hole while everybody marks their ball, places ball, lines up their ball and re-reads the line, and then re-adjusts the line, and then prepares to putt the ball. If the ball rolls past the hole 2 or 3 feet, we go through the entire process again. I play in a men’s league and when one player says to putt it out, no gimmes, then I know it’s going to take an additional 30 minutes. Guaranteed. Also, no stopping at the turn to pop into the clubhouse for a hotdog and a beer. That holds things up too. No walking either. Walker slow things down, especially between holes. Also, only one person in a cart. Zig zagging back and forth is a time waster. Also, no looking for a ball in the rough. Drop a ball in the fairway and play on with no penalty. There is no reason that there should be only one person hitting the ball on the fairway at a time; 2 or 3 people can hit the ball simultaneously. Its a waste of time for 3 golfers to stand idly by waiting their turn to hit. Also, encourage golfers to hit into a group who is playing too slow; even if they are on the green. This will encourage them to speed up, or get bonked with a ball. Well, that’s enough excellent suggestions to speed up play, or maybe people can just be a bit more understanding and patient. Oh, I forgot one suggestion. When I am out playing alone and I encounter a slow group in front of me and they are far behind the group in front of them, I just drive around them and start on the next hole. I always record a well deserved birdie on my scorecard for the hole I didn’t play as a reward for my smartness and good decision making.

  6. So this is a hard subject. At the course I play in Idaho an avg. round is 4-4 1/2 hrs. Even then if the players in front of you fall behind and don't try to pick up the pace and they fall more then a hole behind is when I think you ask either to play threw or to pick up the pace.

  7. If my husband and I don’t have anyone in front of us, we can be done walking our course in three hours and it’s a great course good yardage. I think a round should take four hours and 45 minutes tops.430 is ideal.

  8. If I have to wait on more than 1 tee box and there is no group in front of the group in front of me, I have no problem asking if I can play through. If they say no, I go past them to the next tee box and play on.

  9. People injected things into their arms and folks ain't been right since! Not just Florida but I am a native and resident, the heat can def stir up aggression some days are really brutal.

  10. For a foursome, it takes at least 4 hours. We have several leagues, that take 2.5 to 3 hours for 9 holes. It is brutal, and it is a complaint all around. US, Illinois. And don't get me started on not fixing ball marks or divots.

  11. Been playing golf since the early 80’s. Never asked or been asked to “hurry up “. I have asked if someone would like to play through. The worst is when you are having to wait on the group in front of you and the group behind you is hitting into you . THAT is when trouble starts . I have hit someone’s ball back at them a few times .

  12. Most courses should have a Marshall at least in the US. You can ask the Marshall to handle it for you.

  13. Last course we played, course standard is 4:10 mins. We finished in 4:06 but, the group in front of us held us back from perhaps a 3:50 min round. However, the idiots behind us, hit into us 5 times. They could clearly see, we had to wait for the group in front yet, they were dicks.

  14. 9/10 if the group in front won't let me play through I'll walk off the course, there's no point in carrying on as I'm too frustrated by that point. I will let them know which does lead to some arguments, but the people causing the problem are generally either oblivious or arrogant enough to think they shouldn't have to let others play through.

    I've got so frustrated with people in the past that I've hit a ball over the top of them, when they complain I just say "you should let quicker players play through, stop being ignorant".

    It's just common decency, but most people are rude, selfish turds.

    I have never walked up to anyone and said "come on mate hurry up" you're asking for a punch. I've never even asked if I can play through I'd like to think that people will let you play through. Most of the time they do but it's the older generation who cause the problems.

  15. I think most of the golfers nowadays are "homeless" golfers. Many years back, golfers were members of a club, their home club, and all new golfers had to undergo a few hours of lecture on golf etiquettes, rules, dos and don'ts…..Every golfer knew exactly how to behave on the course.

  16. The times you mention are acceptable. What does annoy me is if the group behind are in buggies and adopt this attitude when they can see we are making progress keeping up with the group ahead. Personally I would ban buggies unless you have a medical reason or you have everyone in buggies. We experienced the group behind deliberate hit into us once they never did it again in fact they left the course. If we are playing with a guy who is new to the game or having a bad day and we are dropping behind we always wave the group through, but this is becoming something people don't do now days.

  17. Alex this is a sad indication of how standards in golf have declined. Rounds for 3 balls should be taking 3.5 hours with 4 balls 3-45 max 4 hours. Slow play is the Bain of everyone’s life. As players you have a duty to keep up with game in front not just ahead of the game behind. Often it’s not the group directly behind you that is effected rather those 2/3 or 4 groups behind as the course starts to rack up. It shouldn’t have to be down to a course Marshall to maintain pace of play, etiquette as I mentioned before expects players if they cannot keep up with the group in front to invite faster players through …….you shouldn’t have to ask.

  18. 3:30 4:15 for a 4 ball the group infront should let u play through if they have a gap in front as soon as possible shouldn’t be holding you up for more than a hole

  19. Am I the only golfer that purposely plays on their own and loves being behind a 4 ball.
    It means I can take in the course, and spend more time reading my putts, which, has by far been the most Improved part of my game now by far. Love the 4 ball, respect the 4 ball.
    The only thing that will suffer by you becoming frustrated at the group infront is your golf.

  20. If we are talking about slow play you have to take into consideration the level of playing ability's in the group, if you are a better golfer you should help encourage the slower player(s) to speed up play and sometimes that means telling them to pick up after a number of shots.

    Looking for golf balls can also slow down play if you can't find your ball after 3 minutes of looking drop and move on, if you think it may be lost off the tee hit a provisional ball to help with keeping pace of play.

    If you are playing behide a 4 ball and you are a 3 or 2 ball you don't have the right to go in fount of the 4 four ball, and have to understand that its up to them if they want to let you go though, in a perfect world maybe they are nice and do, but understand that you would still be stuck in the middle of the field so take you time and keep up with them.

    And the most important thing is never hit your golf ball at a person if they are in range, call the club and report slow play. It is the responsability of the club to make sure that. 1. Tee times are kept to 2. That the field of play is moving at a good or timeline that is acceptable. 3. They (the club) needs to make sure that if there is slow play they ask the 4/3 ball to pick up their speed or they will have to leave the course.

    As a player you have no right to hit a ball at anyone, that is simply unreasonable and dangerous. There are steps to follow, don't let your ego, or emotions get in the way of what is happening. (Also a good tip to improve your own golf).

    My 2 cents 🤗 have a good day a be safe!

  21. Im new to golf, been pkayojg since September. Average roumd time allotted here is about 1hr50 for 9 holes. As a new golfer i was so slow when i started, if i saw someone catching up id finish my hole, then explain to the group behind i was new to golf amd asked if they wanted to play through so as not to slow them up. Maybe northerners are just nicer 😂 but politeness has always been welcomed

  22. Too many tee times only takes a group of four to have one bad hole to start a bit of a concertina effect. Had a round in the states where these idiots were betting serious money a hole the backlog had three four balls waiting to tee off, tempers were fraying lol.

  23. It has got worst since WHS hcp bought in. In past first flights were mostly low to mid hcp and targeted 3-3:30 rounds. Competition mid flights were 15-25 and expected to be 4 hours and later flights were 25+. Now these are all mixed up and even earlier flights take 4:30h. Last weekend the first flight came back at 5:15h that had knock on effect of delaying everything. I was 2:45h after 9 holes and waited 15minutes every hole….. flights started at 0600 through to 1400h. Nightmare slow day, no fun after 4hs…… and unnecessary.
    I complained to club but was told that is normal——- sad day

  24. 'You should OF played quicker' The most shocking thing about this! Try 'have' next time.

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