Moe Norman’s Golf Swing 4K – Backswing for Leverage and Power

#moenorman #gravesgolf #singleplane #golfswing #golftips

You can purchase my Best Selling Single Plane Golf Swing book:

Positions matter. That is why the backswing position where the trail arm is bent produces an angle. this angle allows for the production of speed and power.

In this video I define Moe Norman’s backswing position and how he produces leverage and power.

About the Single Plane Golf Swing

The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing – impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.


  1. Bracing against the right leg is a game changer! I originally bent my knee on my tilt at address, but since straightening the knee, I'm hitting them more flush!! Thanks, Todd!

  2. I got a question and hopefully you can answer it. How far did Moe put his club away from the ball when hitting his driver? I've kinda changed my swing to a Moe swing,but I'm still trying to figure out the driver set up.

  3. well done, great upgrade to the video of Moe's swing. Easier to see what he is doing.

  4. Is the skipping a rock direction not at the green or fairway but instead towards behind you as if you were skipping a rock to a green that was behind you, or as if your back was facing the lake when skipping a rock? That way you would stay lower through the shot longer? IDK?

  5. I never have hit the ball as pure as I do now . I study this and practice every day or most days

  6. The shot tracer is awesome. For the first time I can see, with my own eyes, how good Moe hit the ball.

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