✨Lighting the Way for Those on Their Way to the Light✨
Soul Vibers:
This poem was inspired by this global pandemic around Covid 19.
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Original Poem by Me:
Stay Open
We might be stuck behind closed doors, but we still have open hearts.
Even in the social distancing, we can’t be kept apart.
Because our energy and intentions are more infectious than the sickness,
And while there is the heaviness of death, a new world is being birthed for us to witness.
The time has come for deep healing for our people and our planet,
And we’re reminded that each breath we take should not be taken for granted.
We’re being challenged to recognize what is important and what is not,
We’re being asked to question everything including what we’ve been taught
Right now is for reflection and for us to keep dreaming and keep hoping,
So while businesses might be closed, it’s important that we remain open,
Society tells you to wear a mask, and in doing so you won’t be infected,
But part of this journey is removing all your masks so that your soul will be protected.
Your safety isnt guaranteed just because you wear gloves or multiple layers,
True immunity comes by stripping down and through meditation and through prayers.