Greatest of All Time Driver Hack / COUNTERBALANCING

Mr. Shortgame stopped by to help try out a driver trick from maybe the greatest golfer of all time. See what it is, what we did, and if it worked.

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  1. Great Video. Here's a crazy question. Does my 75 gram wrist watch (on lead arm) have any effect? Should I remove it when I play?

  2. Interesting theory but too little data, too few swings, too many variables to come up with a conclusion. It would be easy for Mr. Shortgame to just be swinging harder the more he warms up, or subconsciously swinging harder as the club got heavier. From previous videos Mr. Short game is fully capable of 108mph club speed and 156mph ball speed.

  3. Weight in the butt stop forward movement near impact, increasing the fulcrum affect, increasing club head speed. Super long hitters slow this movement of the grip end just before impact. This is why butt weighting is thought to help

  4. Should have done the test again with no weight, to make sure he wasn't just stretched out/more efficient after all those swings. Are you scientists or not?

  5. Where do they sell counter balanced grips?? Ive only seen putter grips with cb on them

  6. Try the reverse as well, get a lighter club head or lighter shaft with same CPM and load point. Alot of people cannot feel the head when you butt weight, so they increase speed and spray everywhere. Also the shaft may become to soft for that speed, yet, feel stiffer to the player

  7. do it with an autoflex! And a question, does this work with irons? Graphite irons even better?

  8. I also counterbalance my driver. I like the extra overall weight of the club and it feels like it helps me engage my body/bigger muscles just a little bit more when swinging. How I counterbalance is with a 1/4” carriage bolt 3” long and nuts (use gf’s digital kitchen scale to weigh out desired grams) Wrap it with masking tape to make a snug fit and prevent rattle in the butt of the club. Cheap and it works well for counterbalancing!

  9. F = 1/2 (mass x velocity^2) the rate at which kinetic energy is created in a golf swing. Increasing mass will increase the kinetic energy linearly, but increasing velocity exponentially increases it: 2x = 4x, 3x = 9x, 4x = 16x, etc.

    Putting more mass in the handle of the club should create a slower backswing when acting against gravity and a faster acceleration in the downswing at the point momentum and gravity cause the lead arm to separate.

    My intuition tells me the added mass in the hand area would cause the path of the lead arm to change as it flies down in the same way a movable weight in the club head affects face rotation and angle at impact.

    The difference in feel would also affect timing and how the hands would react when reaching the bottom of their swings arc ahead of the club head mass. The more mass put in the hands the slower they will react and come back up giving the club head more time to accelerate around the hands before impact, the same F=1/2(M x V^2) cause and effect creating more striking force, compression and ball speed.

  10. So my question is this: If I were to do a similar test with my driver to find what weight works best for my optimal swing speed, would then a similar concept hold true for the rest of the clubs in my bag?

    Great video and very cool to see Matt testing the theory with you. I thank you for your input. #MrShortGame

  11. Guess what the "CB" stands for in the Ping drivers with the Alta CB shafts? Yes, CB stands for counter balanced. Those clubs already come with some counterbalancing under the grips.

  12. i've wondered about this because they used to counterbalance long swords way back when. I tried a heavier grip for a few range sessions and had no clue where the clubhead was. I would say try it and see if you like it. If you're like me, you'll swing faster but can't control it.

  13. I think this test should have been run in reverse….. but that's just my 2 cents. Either way, great test, always good to experiment with these things!

  14. Great video AJ. No wonder Jack won so many majors.
    Sounds like it's something most golfers should try

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