THIS POWER MOVE Unlocks Serious SPEED In Your Golf Swing | Impact Drill

If you missed the video on how to transition click here:

Getting the hips slowed down at the right time to generate maximum clubhead speed can be a real struggle for most.

In this video, I’ll show you a simple way to start getting your hips to work perfectly at impact so you can start hitting the ball further and feel more balanced in your golf swing.
Where Serious Golfers Get Serious Instruction.



  1. Chris, you had me on the edge of my seat with the video before this, so I was eagerly awaiting this one. Just watched then headed out to the garage (aka Performance Golf Center) to work with my impact bag and hit a few into the net. BOOM!! An instant increase in clubhead speed and 7I carry distance. I love the idea of weight into the ankles to help with getting the left hip out of the way and rotating. MANY thanks…keep up the great work!!

  2. Just found you. Great explanation of what is the core of my inconsistency. I don't "get to my left side" – long story short, it's Domino's: bad set-up to bad swing=some really good and most really bad swings. I'm hoping to rip my swing apart, and this, it seems, is a great place to start. Thanks!

  3. Absolutely superb!!! I have been studying and practising this for last month when stumbled across when you were still at Rotary swing- If only knew this in my 20s instead of being taught Leadbetter moves- I've never hit it so good and not even mastered the syncronisation yet!!!!! LOVE IT!!!

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