The Clever Formula Tour Pros Use to Out-Smart Golf Courses | The Game Plan | Golf Digest

Great golf courses like Oak Hill Country Club, site of the 2023 PGA Championship, are designed to trick players into a “short side miss.” Golf Digest’s Luke Kerr-Dineen explains how a tour players are fighting back with a new analytics-based game plan.

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  1. Hearing him call it a “very nerdy statistic” felt gross. Big Bang Theory faux nerd appreciation vibes. Sad.

  2. So the moral of the story here is to get really good at golf and be able to hit the shot you want.

  3. I think I'm subscribed to wrong channels. This stuff looks like its designed for tour pros lol

  4. As a long time member of Oak Hill, the design of the 6th was terrible. They put the pin in an area of the green which which was akin to putting the pin in the drain at the bottom of your bath tub…every decent shot almost rolled into the cup. It was amazing there were only 4 holes-in-one. Fortunately, that terrible hole, along with 2 other holes were removed in the 2019 redesign done by Andrew Green.

  5. So I should make sure I can hit my 3-iron second shot onto the larger part of the green? Got it.

  6. More content like this, Digest! This was cool. Great editing, music, and most importantly an interesting story

  7. This is the in depth reason "aiming for the centre of the green" works so well. Crazy that it is half a shot difference…

  8. I do this all the time. I avoid all the danger near the green entirely and just hit it in the water.

  9. Honestly….. I'm gonna cut some strokes because I short side all the time. Didn't realize that it was the area that I was that was causing crap up and down stats. Thought I just couldn't chip…

  10. fred couples was the master at staying out of trouble using a particular part of a green and using the slope to get it within birdie putting distance to the hole.

  11. Great advice and thank you. Add to that the infinite wisdom of my single digit handicapper 13yo son, who offered me some great advice:

    Will: "Dad, I know how you can shave 7 strokes off your round, guaranteed".
    Me: "Yes? Tell me."
    Will: "Play one less Par 3".

    Won't be long and he'll be lower than me, the little $%#@ – if he lives that long… 🙂

  12. It's actually the cup cutters fault, I know because I can put a pin in a spot where someone will score if they hit a decent shot. Pros are good… funnels exist if you watch it rain hard or turn the sprinklers on the green… you will see small rivers forming in the bowls and valleys, balls end up there very often. We gave away multiple cars at my course because the management said they wanted a "go pin" on the hole in 1 prize. Always over 167 for socal events so you better practice with "that" iron a lot before your round… awesome video. Wish cup cutter these days spoke English and understood what 3° of slope means … lol not joking

  13. My strategy is more of a “swing and hope to God I’m even remotely close to the green and probably gonna have to take three clubs with me to my ball” kind of thing.

  14. A golf tutorial that doesn't address your swing problems,great. This is something,even though I'm a high handicapper,I will at times incorporate in to my game, I have always mainly because of my skill level played what I have imagined was a safe approach to most greens,front,middle. This information about the percentages will have me rethinking my shots in the future.

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