Find Your Power Source


  1. This is brilliant and is the core question towards developing a personalized and repeatable golf swing.

  2. Dude, this is some of the best advice ever! Showing my wife right now. Always knew there was a miscommunication and this is it!

  3. You could simplify this and just say that your power comes from your hips. Just sink into your hips a little like you’re gonna squat

  4. I was old fashion, I practiced hours and hours of emulating Adam Scott’s swing and eventually became a 4 handicap

  5. Let’s also credit the originators of the science behind this: Mike Adams and Dr. Scott Lynn.

  6. This is freaky. I was hitting shots with my feet together yesterday and hitting it as far (sometimes even farther than a normal swing). I then took a video of my normal swing and was mad that it looked twisty. This video gives me some confidence that maybe my twisty swing is how I should be hitting my golf shots. How did you figure this out!? I don't think I've seen this tip anywhere else on YouTube.

  7. 1000% gonna try this the next time I'm at the course. I have a feeling it could be game changing for me.

  8. Do you recommend picking one and focusing on that power source or do you recommend improving the source that is the most deficient (horizontal, tourqe, vertical)?

  9. Dude, I've played golf for over twenty years. For some odd reason, I've always had natural talent and have always been very comfortable with almost any weird position. My power just comes from helping the club fall faster.

  10. Great video. So many ways to hit it. As Arnie said “swing your swing”. Ps…… but first you have to find it!! Awesome post as usual!! 👏👏

  11. Teachers are great. When you realize that all you need to do is swing your straight arm with your body, this game becomes real fing fun.

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