Golf Players


In this video, I bring you the recap of the court case involving the Disc Golf Pro Tour and PDGA and Natalie Ryan. The future of FPO will potentially change with this historical court case and how it resolves.

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Source: @DiscGolfProTour
#discgolf #natalie #breakdown

Instagram: “Wild Runs Disc Golf”


  1. Question, why are A tiers different. Now you have a pro level (in the women’s league) Natalie beating girls who just want to have a good weekend and win a couple hundred dollars.

  2. If Natalie is a Guy, what the f is going on?
    This is a no Brainer , how dare the transgender community! The seeds of discord that you plant are about to become thorn's for the transgender community to feel.
    Protect Women 💪

  3. Yeah cause it's fair a man gets to play in the women's division. I hope the DGPT and the PDGA wins and bans him from playing is the WOMENS division.

  4. I get not wanting her to play in fpo but some of you losers need to get a life. Why be so nasty toward a person because they want to be a different gender than you think they should be?

  5. If you believe gender and sex are two different things then you must accept that Natalie is being segregated by her sex and not her gender. FPO is for biological females, not gender females.

  6. How do they allow a man to play against real female players????
    This is a mentally ill man who thinks he is a female
    He has a penis. Making him a male.

  7. There is a very easy and simple solution to all this nonsense. . . This dude can go play in mpo and that's it, doin that means he can play in every tournament all year its that fuckin simple folks

  8. Listen. Your feelings don’t supersede our rights. You are a man with a mental health problem but that doesn’t give you the right to play in women’s sports. Go find a safe space for your feelings.

  9. I dont have strong feelings about whether Natalie should be allowed to play in FPO or not, but it truly digusts me to see transphobia in the disc golf community here. Didnt think we would sink that low


    Anybody else feel like when they hit their head during recess in third grade, they must've entered a coma and this is just a bizarre dream where down is up, stupid is smart and compassion is bigotry because there's no way the world could have regressed and degraded this much in such a short time?

    Lord help us.

  11. Paige Pierce has competed in Open division. Natalie could do the same but prefers lesser competition.

    Paige says she can be a top 40 mpo player, yet the 2 times I saw her compete in mpo she finished over 30 strokes back from winner…

  12. She had that quote about the judge passing her a match so she could start a fire or some BS. NEKK MINNIT

  13. Look at that little boy playing with girls what a fucking joke I understand if your penis is small, but does it mean you need to play with girls

  14. The bigots on here can't help themselves. If you want to have a rational discussion, that's fair, but the bigotry in these comments is off the hook. Such hateful people for a sport that was started by stoner hippies.

  15. FPO= "Female Professional Open"
    MPO= "Mixed Professional Open"

    "They" are now in the correct division and no longer stealing money from deserving FPO competitors

  16. One way to resolve this would be just to have 2 pro FPO divisions. One for natural born females, the other for anyone who wants to identify as female. No need for medical tests, etc, you either were born a female or not. Simple to understand and comply with.

  17. Big W for PDGA and DGPT. Instead of trying to create problems, he could have played for the division mean for everyone, called the MPO

  18. The level of selfishness required join the FPO, or any women’s sports for that matter as a biological male just baffles me.

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