How To Hit Consistent Golf Shots (Start With This)

Most golfers I talk to lack consistency in their shots. Hitting consistent golf shots is vital if you want to play better golf. The problem is most golfers don’t know how to do it.

Leaving contact aside for this tip, I divide the shot into 2 parts. You have spin and direction. Imagine if you put slice and hook spin on your shots. If so, you would not be consistent. Now imagine if you hooked every shot. This is consistent isn’t it? This to me is half right. You have the spin mastered.

At this point, all you would have to do to become a consistent golfer is to work on your direction. Get this and now you are hitting consistent golf shots all of the time as opposed to hitting your ball everywhere.

So to hit consistent golf shots just see it differently. If so you will become a consistent golfer in no time.

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  1. Thanks…That's the great tip…but how to freeze your that one doesn't forget every time while playing the shots

  2. I have been doing exactly what you are saying…and like you said it works, just have to get the timing right and watch it fly straight. Thanks Paul for another great tip.🏌️‍♂️

  3. Please clarify when i release my wrist in downswing? It is at right hip early or left hip which is late?

  4. Paul i have been watching for last 10 years your videos but still not doing it right. It is a timing i need to hit straight. I m creating lots of duck hook with this technique . I have a strong grip too.

  5. Hi Paul, it’s harder than you think to add the hips. I have been practicing a lot lately but can’t seem to get rid of the hook. It even cost me a little competition for a two balls challenge. I hooked so many balls that I lost to a guy that hits a driver 150 yard because unlike me he was on the fairway or in play and I was in the bushes. Can’t seem to sort this out.

  6. I wish I could hit a fade. Saw your video on why a fade is better and I believe you. I’m a good hooker. 😂. Would like to play a fade especially with driver. Would it be possible to do another video on that? I’ve tried to do the opposite of what you say here and hold the release but that doesn’t seem to work. Thank you.

  7. Paul watch you 1 1/2 years ago tried your swing, and went away to old school stile , maybe if your in your 20 30 40 they may work. But I'm 73 now and for the last month i read and try to do your way. After hours of practice 1000 balls and this video your best in my opinion. I swing with nothing but belt buckle to the target and loose wrists. Never trying to hit the ball. What can i say you know your stuff. Now next 1000 balls over and over practice, practice thank you.

  8. Great tip, Nowhow do I stop flipping just be fore impact causing loss of distance, and high right shots?

  9. Have faith in Paul’s method. Deliberately hooking every ball is a scary prospect but his teaching really works.

  10. I can hook, and fade at will, but what Ilke about this lesson is starting that release early…as I am fighting a chicken wing that is trying to come back…thanks Paul..

  11. Yep! I'm finally hooking it consistently! When i really go for it, i slice because my hands/arms get stuck behind my body and are late, leaving the face open. If i stay within myself, thinking about releasing the club (actually swinging) great things happen!

  12. Absolutely 100% agree, from a scoring perspective. If you knew you were drawing/hooking the ball nearly every time (preferably a high draw so it won't run too much on approach shots to the greens) , you could put a decent score on the card. In my 20s and 30s I played low running draws all day long. Lots of fun, scored in the lows 90s and high 80s often playing that way. The big disadvantage was deciding whether to run it off the back of the green or into a green side bunker to get it to stop. But it forced me to get a lot better at my short game. At one point I was a 4 handicap. My best round playing that way was 74 on 7000 yard course.

  13. Another great tip. I ran out after viewing and achieved instant success. Thanks, keep the tips coming .

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