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Bubba Wallace FLIPS THE BIRD During Nascar All Star Race! Bubba Continues To FAIL Jordan & 23XI!

Bubba Wallace FLIPS THE BIRD During Nascar All Star Race! Bubba Continues To FAIL Jordan & 23XI! Kyle Larson won the race at North Wilkesboro Speedway


  1. People need to stop feeding the troll. Celebrities say it all the time “ Negative attention pays more and keeps me in the press”……

  2. He finished 2nd Sunday. In the all star race. Y’all keep crying, it’s entertaining.

    Also, you need to be pissed at literally every driver that’s flipped the bird, because most have and a lot of them in TV.

  3. Lets ride MJs sack all while discrediting his driver. Kyle still won calm down buddy. Youtube is a job though so keep trying

  4. I'm sorry, I find it hilarious that this is causing outrage

    Bubba you go bro 💀

  5. Come on Michael, this is a very poor look for your Race Team. Bubba is very immature. Come on Mike you need to sit this guy down and give him an ultimatum, grow up or move on! Think about it 🤔.

  6. First, he gets booed at the intro and does the crybaby for the fans……….then runs second and not only disrespected Jamie, but Jordan as well………not to mention the fans, Nascar, and the world watching in general. What a loser!

  7. Diversity hire for sure. You can take the rat out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of the rat.

  8. I can’t stand bubba but come on dude you must be new to nascar if you’re that shocked seeing someone flip the bird after a race also imagine getting offended by a middle finger

  9. He is a punk, if Nascar do not address this person there reputation will continue to tank, which it should!

  10. Many drivers have flipped the bird on live tv the number 9 being one example. Yeah maybe he should be more aware of his surroundings like all the rest of drivers but he seen a friend behind the camera and decided to be silly. It’s pretty clear here what the issue is. I guess the fan that got on his radio frequency saying derogatory crap is somehow a bubba playing the race card also huh? The whole diversity hire comment let me know this channel isn’t about $hit. Exactly why I watch Eric’s channel for NASCAR NEWS he’s open minded and unbiased. Idk why this channel even ended up in my suggestions. #4 #11

  11. If that was a wht boey Ronald McDonald would have ripped those "Golden Arches" off that firesuit before the interview was over.

  12. NASCAR won't touch Baby Bubba . It's fairly obvious that he'd just throw out the "race card" (AGAIN) and NASCAR is too chicken💩 to deal with him .

  13. Will always be a loser. This is what you get for making up things about racism. It’s called karma

  14. I wonder how Ronald McDonald likes having the Golden Arches in the same frame with Bubbers not so golden finger. I think it may be a reason for kids to see the Golden Arches as a negative thing and be traumatized ever time they see them. I don't eat at MickeyD"s palace so I wont be bothered by Bubber flying the finger except I"ll think of it each time I see the Golden Arches. If I were in the position to have any say in the matter for McDonalds I think Bubber would be short a sponsor. You want fries with that finger?

  15. I can't believe McDonald's is going to stand by and allow this.They should pull his sponsorship.

  16. And he was such a chicken shit he had to try to hide the finger when jamie turned her head towards him😂 gon throw a gesture like that?
    OWN IT!


  17. A NO better then 20th average drive in an "All Star" race? What a joke! He's the reason why my wife and I along with a BUNCH of friends and family STOPPED watching NASCAR. That BS with Richard Petty pushing Wallace in his car down pit road and crying TOTALLY turned US off. NASCAR allowed this to happen! NO less then 12 FBI agents who investigated that stupid rope said it was just that, a ROPE for the roll up door. Absolutely pathetic

  18. The radio thing feels very much like a different version of the garage rope scam.

  19. He should be fined for his actions with the finger his best reaction to being bood h should just wave 👋 an not with one finger

  20. NASCAR Loses with Bubba "Handout" Wallace in the field. These Worthless Black African Thugs belong in the NBA.

  21. Amen brother I left because of Bubba the B I still love my rebel flag heritage not hate pull for local talent

  22. Jordon was held with the highest respect. Now he must do what is right and terminate him. Conduct like this is not what Jordon deserves in any sport.

  23. A fan base can bring more money than winning a race or finishing in the top five here andthere. This "guy" is definitely screwing that all up

    P.S. 🖕🏼BLM

  24. Bubba is another of the spoiled baby's that can't do their job," racing"!
    Too bad silly boy, you got booed. So did Jaws!
    Could you imagine what the result would have been if Wendel Scott would have put up the finger to the fans?
    Bubba, you would look good driving in a Ronald McDonald Clown suit! McDonalds should be proud of you! Michael Jordan, control your employees.

  25. Bubba Wallace should be fired for flipping his middle finger at people he's a disrespectful disgrace

  26. Bubba wallace is a white man he father is white so he is white according to the holy bible you are what your father is the mother does not determine race

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