WHO runs the Gates of Hell? Dr. Fauci?

It’s a pun. Get over it.
Will take calls and chat today
Flat earth, medicine, government, Freemasons, Jesuits, Satanists.
Federal Reserve, flat earth, chemtrails, smartmeters, D.E.W., vaccines, BAR Association, CROWN, Vatican, Washington D.C., Phoenicians, mudfloods, Bigfoot, cats, vegan, cannabis, IRS, Constitution, contracts, police, Admiralty, Maritime Law, cannabalism, Satanism, Royal Family, blood lines, energy, technology, politics, liars, I Am, livestream, Coronavirus, Donald Trump, golf, “Pope” Francis, Nancy Pelosi, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Chase, Shiff, Dianne, Phillip. Freemasons. Scottish Rite, Shriners, York Rite, Blue Lodge, Orange Lodge, Rosicrucian, Kappa Alpha Theta, Beta Theta Pi, Sutter Club, Sainte Claire Club, Kiwanis, Rotary, Bible, Elite, fraternities, sororities, inbreeding, Del Paso Country Club, judges, Bar Association, Jesuits, veganism, cooking, real estate, cars, home repair, computers, technology, real estate, stock market, Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of New York Mellon

Folks that I follow:
Andrew Kaufman, M.D.
Jason Goodman
Winston Shrout : Greetings to you, Winston!
APlane Truth 4u :
Marty Leeds Live:
Bill Donahue:
Colorado Forest Beings:
Eric Dubay:
Martin Leidtke:
Flat Earth British Sub:
Flat Earth Debate:
Flat Earth British Think Tank:
PPV Angel:
Jamies Journey:
Hemp Alchemy:
Jon Levi:
Marc Stevens:
Patriot 1943:
Russian Vids:
Vicki Steele
Fraternal Order of the Reign of the Heavens:
The Government of The United States of America:
T-ROH Show:
sean g:
Static in the attic:
Stop the Crime dot net:

Music by:
Flat Accord Music: