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Why Callan Rydz RAGE SNAPPED His Darts

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  1. Superb video, thank you. Did wonder why he's not playing in PC12. Wish for the best for Callan!

  2. Rydzy is a great guy, he always makes time for his fans, he wears his heart on his sleeve, as they say.
    He's achieved more than most will ever in Darts already so he has to understand there are going to be lean spells, thats just the law of averages.
    Im sure he has the right people to put him straight again. Darts community is a great thing 🙂

  3. Taking a break to work himself out for a year is maybe the best thing he can do. The level of skill required in major tournaments is phenomenal these days, only the top guys win, and even they lose more than they win. It's about how he deals with defeat, he's not too good at that. Adrian Lewis was the same, he's taking a break too. Come back stronger Callan.

  4. He played with to much anger in the last months…

    Should take a break and work on his mental game

  5. He has the skills but not the temperament, as in most sports soon as the emotions take over your onto a loser. Maybe he should get some sports psychologist to work with him

  6. Feel a bit for Rydz, he’s got such natural talent but he seems to always play like he’s got the world on his shoulders and loses his head too quickly, he’ll come good though.

  7. If you can't take it, take a break! you can't be disrespectful to your opponent when you lose.

  8. Go and get a normal 9 to 5 job and maybe that will make him see how easy he has had it and wake up to himself and do a bit of growing up!! Bloody sook,,there is nothing worse than seeing these guys carry on like spoilt little children when they lose a match,,man up and get on with it

  9. losing is a part of the journey to win and become great. Loss is also a part of life, sport teaches us to handle loss. Rydz should look within him for all the answers and solutions. If he can rise from such a position his rise will be historical.

  10. Fun player to watch. I hope he has a terrific darts career. But… I can't help but think, as talented as he is, if he doesn't abandon or adjust that machine-gun delivery system, he's really gonna struggle with consistency from match to match.

  11. That handshake is standard for rydz ! Hardly ever seen him look at an opponent after a loss ….

    Great talent … but the worst attitude on tour by a mile … in a sport of such fine margins, he’s got to change ✔️

  12. He's a poor sport. His display when Close or Klose beat him this weekend was shameful. Bad comb-over. Chokes constantly. His results are a reflection of his character.

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