Golf Players

Why you will never be good at putting (golf basics)

Break 80 every time with Mark Crossfield golf professional. This episode explains some crazy truths about putting and the work needed to sharpen up your short game.

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Welcome to the Mark Crossfield Golf Channel! If you’re looking for world-class golf instruction and honest equipment reviews, you’ve come to the right place.

Mark is the original professional golfer content creator with a passion for helping others improve their game. On this channel, you’ll find various videos featuring golf tips, advice, and drills to help you play better golf and reduce your handicap. From fixing your slice and hook to driving the golf ball longer and straighter and improving your ball striking, Mark has over 25 years of coaching expertise to help you become a better golfer.

In addition to instructional videos, you’ll also find equipment reviews to help you make informed decisions on the best gear for your game. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started in golf or an experienced player looking to take your game to the next level, Mark Crossfield Golf has something for you. Tune in and start your journey to better golf today!

Music by LabelGREY


  1. I agree a lot of players think they need to hole every single time they putt even from 20+ feet away and get mad when they don’t but it not till u understand the stats putting becomes alot easier. I love all your content u make everything so simple and easy to understand great work

  2. Guess what? I'm at exactly 13%. Speed is my biggest issue at the moment. #2 is hitting it in the heel.

  3. Most putts I look at the hole to get distance control, short putts i concentrate on the ball

  4. I'll ask a question you asked when every shot counts became a golfing revelation as now we have more data for your average golfer ( as opposed to just pga pro data ) 300 yard drive or no three putts?

  5. Had wrist surgery 7 weeks ago. While Ive been down (about 4-5 months) Ive really been practicing putting. Played in a scramble last week and my partner said I didnt miss a single putt inside 8 feet. Guess it does work 😂

  6. I did an Aimpoint class about a month ago, and I can not say enough good things about it. The biggest benefits I found were reading on longer putts and especially double breakers.
    In the last month I have average 1.4 putts less per round since taking the class- which probably equates to one less 3 putt on a longer putt.
    If you have any serious interest in putting better, go and try and Aimpoint class. If it doesn't work for you, then no harm done. But I would just about guarantee that everyone would take away at least one useable nugget of information that improves their game.

  7. I would say 3 putting is indeed my score killer, that and poor chipping. Most courses around me have very slow greens and when I then go to a really nice course I struggle with the faster speed and often have more 3 putts.

  8. Rather like the driving range – unless you put some form of “goal” to the process I think there’s little point hitting practice putts unless simply working out green speeds. Concentrating on one ball only – for me – best generates more focus and also learning.

  9. Hi mark, I have enjoyed this break 80 series but I think you have missed a simple trick. Each video title should start with "How to break 80:" that would allow your subscribers to search for all of the content easily.

  10. I’m near scratch, and I 100% agree. My final score is almost always dependent on how well I putt that day. Provided I hit 11-12/18 GIR, and have less than 30 putts, I’ll be right around par. That’s 7 one-putts(0 three-putts). It’s VERY doable, because EVERYONE can get good at holing putts, regardless of HC, or ball striking skills. I’m never happy with a two-putt inside of 15-20 feet. You must find the determination, and focus to make a lot of those from inside that range. One-putts are the “great eraser” on your score card. Whereas three-putts are like taking a penalty stroke out of the the water hazard. Both mistakes cost you a stroke. Putting is generally around 40% of your total score. Get good at it!

  11. Hi Mark. Just want to say that I'm really enjoying your coaching videos at the moment (here and Twitter), thanks very much. With putting, I think everyone can benefit, so this guidance is applicable to all handicappers (I'm currently 16).

  12. Mark, I want to thank you for your breaking 80 series. Just some of the thoughts that you offer have been incredible! I just shot an ALL TIME LOW 74 on a Par 72. I do have an instructor that I work with monthly on my swing, but the advice you’ve offered really helped! The biggest difference was GIR! Usually I’m around 30%, and today I hit 10-14! Unreal, thank you!

  13. People think they are good putters. They say they always 2 putt and that is because they usually miss the green and chip it to 10 or 12 feet. When they get better and start to hit greens in regulation they find out that they aren't that good of a putter. I found that out.

  14. Shot Scope shows my strokes gained putting to be better than a tour pro inside 20 feet and .13 worse than a tour pro from 20-30 and .44 worse outside 30 feet. Overall, I'm getting .37 better than a pro over the last 10 rounds.

    But, there's a caveat to that. Most of those rounds were played on my home course where I know every inch of every green after playing them over 900 times in just the past 3 years.

    I wish Shot Scope would allow me to target which rounds to include and which rounds to exclude so I can see just how well or how poorly I do playing courses I don't know as well as I do my home course. I think that would be helpful in determining where I should put my efforts to get better.

    BTW, I wanted to express my gratitude for your series on gaining distance for yourself. It's been great for my game.

  15. I had a run the other year 76 holes no 3 putts. Won a club board competition and finished 3rd in another and handicap got cut 5 shots…..(12>7);

  16. Something I noticed is using the same ball all the time. We hear a lot about the firmer balls for distance on the driver and irons, but they also putt different than a softer ball. I find if I'm changing from a firmer ball to a softer ball throughout the round, it changes how hard or soft the ball comes of the putter and messes up my distance control. Another reason to use the same ball consistently.🤨

  17. Hey Mark! I’m atrocious at putting. Far worse than what you would expect for my handicap. Is simply spending more time on the green practicing my pace control going to make me a better putter? Or is it just like bashing balls on the range and getting worse and worse and worse by engraining bad habits. How much is REALLY just practicing feel vs how much is really ‘go get a lesson, friend.’?

  18. My dad and I have a fun game we play on the putting green. We each get 3 balls and start from the same spot, least number of strokes to put all 3 in wins the hole. The winner the. Chooses the next hole and where to start from but has to go first, giving the 2nd person a bit of a handicap.

    We so the same at the driving range, closest to the chosen flag wins the hole and chose the next target. Helps slow down the pace of shots and makes each swing deliberate.

  19. Great stuff Mark! I never formally used butt point, but I use my feet to help read the line on every putt. To me, the more information I can account for the better the chance I have of getting rid of that 3 putt… Reading the putt from both ends… reading the line from the lower side of the line… Watching your tip videos…. I’d say that you’ve probably helped me the most on this with understanding the different factors. SO, thank you!!!

  20. I worked on my putting in the winter months and it paid dividends. I used the Srixon Q Star divides on a putting mat and worked on getting my ball to roll on the intended line and roll end over end. I’m averaging about 4 1-putts a round and about 3 3-putts a round. I hope to break 80 sometime this season

  21. This series of tips/lessons has been Great. I know this has been very time consuming, so thanks Mark.

  22. Yep – current handicap 14 – only 5 shots to get to single figure/s. I reckon a decent amount of putting improvement will get me there 🎉 Thanks Mark.

  23. Mark can we have a pre round warmup routine that could help us get ready for a comp? Like what kinds of shots and thoughts to have as we hit balls on that day ?

  24. love the series – what would be awesome if Mark & coach could organize an 18-hole 4ball match against Rick S & Peter F.

  25. This is great thanks Mark. I am a great putter on the practice green but a bad putter on the course. I think I either need to make my practice more pressured, or do the opposite and take less care when I’m on the course. Just look at the hole and putt instead of lining it up and getting tense. Thought?

  26. Thanks Mark the advice on approach has helped change my game from in frequent 80 to constant 78. Putting has always been a hit and miss for me and I have tinkered with various grips and stance. The biggest change to my game was learning to read greens. I have had two 3-putts in the last 5 rounds but those were acceptable IMO for how had poorly kept the greens were. Thanks Mark. <3

  27. I have never been any good at putting and just can't reed the putts and have played for over 40 years most of it with a handicap of less than 6 but the last 4 years just for fun now because of a bad back but still about 10 handicap but still am shocking at putting will try the tips

  28. This series is so relevant for all handicaps, genuinely the best of all the coach’s, thanks again😊

  29. Mark, several months ago you did a video about looking at the hole, not the ball, especially on the longer putts. I started doing this and my distance control has improved dramatically. It’s very hard to do mentally at first because we’re all taught to look at the ball but if you stick with it for a few rounds, it works.
    The logic is simple, if you were throwing a ball to someone 30ft away, you’d look at the person, not at your hand holding the ball. Your brain will then tell your arm how much it needs to swing to achieve that distance. (Speith does it!)
    You also eliminate the fault of lifting your head to watch your putt. If you’ve setup correctly and rock your shoulders, you will hit the centre of your putter, you don’t need to actually see that happen.
    Lots of people will say “it’s not for me” but I would encourage all golfers to give this an extended try

  30. Grainy putts, hitting them harder into grain , softer down grain. Our greens are particularly tricky because of it.

  31. Probably my biggest downfall has been not practicing putting just relying on being a good putter is or has not been enough , i now chip in the garden every night for 20 mins after tea and get up half an hour early and hit putts on the carpet , my chipping has improved massively and it has formed a nice method / pre shot that is so reliable , as yet im struggling to find a putting routine that betters my aim and hit method , its just a matter of time .
    Great vid mark , lots of good tips 👍

  32. I am always amazed how bad these stats are… I guess my views are skewed from playing competitively for most of my life, but I would have bet 3 putt from under 24 feet would be less than 5%. I would be aiming at 2% if I was trying to get back into playing competitively again.

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