Golf Players

The UNLUCKIEST Players In NHL History


Ryli |

Lakey |

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  1. You say Maroon has the record most finals appearances of any current player but Corey Perry also has 4. He won the cup in 06-07.
    As have Crosby, Letang, and Malkin. They lost in 08 before winning 3.

  2. There are a lot of role player type guys that have more titles to their names than most of the best players of all time in every sport. Stever Kerr is a perfect example of that in the NBA. Five titles as a player and contributed almost nothing to any of them. But teams need those guys that make no money (relatively speaking) and accept that they're just there to fill a role and will grind it out every second they're in the game in hopes of riding the coattails of the real talent to a ring celebration. And guys that truly accept that and give you any production whatsoever tend to keep finding themselves on title contenders.

  3. I remember when Adam McQuaid concussed himself when he tripped over a suitcase in his apartment.

  4. I do think they should add a 10s shot timer that starts when the player touches the puck.

    I mean I know exactly what he’s doing and it’s effective and while it’s legal he should continue to do so.

  5. This video made me think about a friend of mine who just ended his professional career playing for a team in Sweden called Färjestad. The reason he had to end his career was quite similar to Beau Bennett.

    The injures he sustained was first a very hard slapshot hitting his ankle which made it bleed from inside and the very next day it was very swollen and after about 2 weeks of trying to come back from the injury and then continue playing about 10 more games after coming back from this injury he got cross checked with his lower back against the goalpost. He had kept on trying to fix his injury for about 2 months before he had his first practice with the team in order to come back for real. He was just about to enter the ice and almost immediately got a another slap shot on the right side of his head from one of his teammates by accident of course, so he then had to deal with 2 injuries after quite recently coming back from this first one he got on his ankle.

    My friend is a real fighter and someone who really gave it all and he did all he could for about 1 1/2 years in order to try to come back, but he eventually had to give up once his contract also expired. It was sad and at the same time very inspiring to watch him struggle while still keep on giving it all one last big effort in order to come back.

  6. Saw Hossa at one of his last games,. The Chicago crowd was going wild and I (a hockey novice) had no idea I was witnessing a former very unlucky player receive his roses at that moment. It was a spectacle.

  7. Nolan Patrick comes to mind with sickness, injureis etc.Matt Duchene also comes to mind, who left the Avs to challenge for a cup and the best he has managed so far is a 10 game cup run. Another one is Jumbo Joe, who after 24 years in the NHL and 19 different playoffs only reached the finals once – and LOST.

  8. Yup!! I shattered a goalie’s testicles so yes those can be not only extremely painful but dangerous. I know he spent a couple days in hospital and lost at least 1 testicle. Not sure if he was ever able to have kids as we were just 17.

  9. Forgot to add that hossa had to retire due to an ALERGY to his pads… oh and the Sedin sisters had pretty bad luck. Literally lead to their fans burning down Vancouver in 2011

  10. What’s ur real name? The photo with Mike Richards. My son went that same hockey school in Keewatin/kenora

  11. Beau Bennetts story is kinda sad but a tad bit funny.
    Injures himself
    gets back
    gets injured
    gets back
    gets mumps
    gets injured
    gets back
    gets injured

  12. Salo may have had enough injuries to take down an elephant,.

    BUT, is that as bad as feeling like you let down your entire country?

    Ask the Goalie, who shares the same last name, (Tommy) Salo??

    That might be as painfull as all of Sami Salo's injuries, combined!!!

    Because it was so quick and he still has not been fully foregiven, by his own country.

    I would rather be Sami.
    Check out the goaltenders gaff, before making your choice.

    It's not an easy question but, hypothetical, of course 🙂

    Cheers from Canada

  13. Montreal fan here. Corey was amazing for us, in that playoff run and we all wanted to see him be rewarded with a win.

    When it didn't happen and he "turned the coat", (or Jersey).

    I had a good laugh when he made it again and LOST.

    Cheers from Montreal
    Les Canadiens sont un religion ici! Je me Souviens.

    P.S. That's why I still can't watch Lanny Mcdonald and that entire Game six!

    P. P. S. Not all Montreal fans are like me.(Thank the Hockey gods for that.)
    Most cheer on a player, like Pacioretty, or John Leclair, when they take off our Jersey.

    I can't, because to me, their success, is our failure. Sergechev, Ryan Mcdonaugh….

    Those were errors, by our team and if you love a team, like you love a family member….

    Once they leave your family…."all the worst".

    Does that make me the meanest fan in hockey?

    Don't care.

  14. The story of Salo’s nut bag, along with the similar Nick Lidstrom story almost make me want to use a protective cup as part of my EDC.

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