Belton Park Golf Club – Beer Delivery Drone

Belton Park Golf Club, Grantham introduces a new refreshment service this spring. One of the East Midland’s premiere Golf Clubs have adopted the lastest drone technology to deliver beer to thirsty golfers out on the course. With a simple phone call the golfer can place their order for ice cold drink and the drone deploys from the Club House to them anywhere on the course.

Borrowing the idea from an online retailer this was developed in response to the common problem of golfers getting thirsty during a round of golf. The drone service is designed to trump the other famous golfing refreshment stands like the Gleneagles, Carnoustie or Wentworth Halfway Huts, as it is more flexible and responsive the golfers’ needs and reduces ‘fridge-to-lip’ time for the beers.

This service will be available next Wednesday, 1 Apr 15, morning only.