Golf Players

My SUB 3:00 MARATHON PLAN for 2023 | Marathon Training Series – Ep. 1

I’M BACK. And I am running another marathon with the goal of running it under 3 hours. My sub 3:00 marathon plan for 2023 is all set. This marathon training series will follow that plan and break down different aspects of the training.

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Sharing running, fitness, and plant-based nutrition tips to help you achieve your best self!


  1. Nice! Just subscribed to follow you in your journey! I just started running last November and will do my first Marathon in September. Let's go!

  2. Dude, this is extraordinary content. Have been following your channel for a couple of years now, initially with hair growth, but now with running. I really appreciate your candidness, and genuine content. This is probably my favorite video I've seen in a while on YouTube. I think you really touched on an important concept with evaluating where you are at life and being open to rediscover passions, despite extenuating pressures. I'm sorry for your loss. Your father sounded like a hell of a man! I wish all the best in the future, and am excited for what's next to come. Definitely post as needed. Accomplish goals as they feel truest to your journey, and everything else is going to be alright.

  3. Nice video and recap, that was a heck of a 1st marathon, you are for sure capable of running sub 3. I will be running the tunnel marathon (just outside Seattle), goal sub 3.20… ran 3.25 in Nov…

  4. I sent you a connect request on Garmin Connect…I started running 1.5 yrs ago at 40yrs old and would like to see your training. Do you upload runs on garmin connect?

  5. This video happened to come up on my feed – I'm also running Grandma's this year. Goal of sub 3:30. Coincidentally, I'm currently about 850 days into a running streak myself. Good luck and see you there!

  6. Just bumped into your channel. Hope you get to break sub 3. I'll be here to watch your journey 🙂

  7. Sorry to hear about the lost of your father. Good luck at Grandmas. I am running it too, but pacing a friend for his first marathon.

  8. Yes, King! Welcome back! I am also on the sub 3 journey. I have found through a couple of blocks, slightly strength training surrounding areas and adding a super easy run (few miles) helps blood flow and recovery better than rest. Rest tends to make it tighter/worse. There are some exercises in this video I posted. Cossack squats, scissor lifts and wall sits will help the knee . I subbed up

  9. Ran my first marathon in November 2022 and got a 3:08:27. My goal is the same as yours and I’m looking forward to pushing myself to my limit for the next one

  10. Nice video. What would be great is a video of what you are aiming to do differently in training and race day versus your previous experiences. This is what I ask anyone who asks for advice / coaching. Sub 3 hours is a great goal but I have many friends physically fast enough who still can't seem to be patient enough in training and on the day to execute the plan. I'm no Kipchoge but have run well under 3 many times and every time it remains a phenomenal challenge to get the best out of 26.2 miles. The marathon is an unforgiving temptress! The very best of luck in training – I hope you smash it.

  11. Excited to follow along! Grandma's should be an amazing experience. I didn't have much luck with Hanson's training. I liked the workouts, but my long runs tapped out at 16m, and I really needed 20-21 for the marathon. Maybe your long runs are longer though since you have higher milage.

  12. Glad to see you back Joshua! But I see the hairgrowth journey came to an end……but anyway you always have nice content! Keep it up. I once ran a marathon in 3.41, but I am more of a sprinter so was happy anyways 😃 Come to Amsterdam in October!

  13. Just ran my first half marathon race last week, sub 1:35 time. Running another one about a month away. Looking to tweak and focus on few things in workouts to break that sub 1:30. Looking forward to this series as this is also my next big goal after my next race. Much love from Winnipeg, MB 😁

  14. You didn't talk about the strength training what did you do. How do you think it improved your performance? Thanks

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