골프 칠 때 절대 하면 안되는 실수, 17가지/파울신/PaulSin/How to reduce golf mistakes

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#파울신 #골프잘치는법 #골프실수들

Everyone makes mistakes on the golf course.
Luckily, golf isn’t a game that requires perfection.

Even on the tour, you can get a low score even if each swing is not perfect.
The most important thing is to reduce the number of mistakes that can cause too much damage, and even if you make a mistake, you’re going to get a score.
The key is to prevent it well.

The mistakes many masters make are to make a slight mistake or to choose the wrong club.
But usually weekend golfers start to miss shots to poor course strategy.
Until now, I tend to make mistakes.

But you tell them to fix their swing right away to prevent so many of these mistakes.
I don’t want to. And there’s no need to fix it all.
It’s not a big problem if it’s not as serious as it’s impossible to recover, and it’s not a big deal to make that mistake.
I don’t think it’s that difficult and complicated.

Driver shots, wedge shots, putting, each of the five mistakes you make often in three areas.
Let’s take a look at where you’re likely to make mistakes often.
I will do that

Then you’ll be blessed to hit the driver further straight.
You will have a greater ability to stick the ball closer to the hole cup more often.