Golf Babe

A man flirts with a woman on a golf course. Then his bag drives off with a mind of its own. | Birdie

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Birdie is used with permission from Alexandre Lefebvre. Learn more at


Marcel is an avid golfer, but part of the appeal of playing at his favorite course is his crush on Joanne, the canteen chef at the 9th hole. He finally gathers his courage to invite Joanne on a romantic date, rehearsing his question on the drive to the course. But after a few holes, Marcel’s golf bag rolls off the course, taking the film in an unexpected direction about following the call of romance and having the courage to follow your heart.

Directed and written by Alexandre Lefebvre, this uniquely charming short is an unconventional take on a romantic comedy, beginning with some narrative sleight-of-hand. Unfurling with a quiet naturalism as Marcel drives to the course, we listen as he rehearses asking out the object of his affection on a date. He’s been working up the courage for some time, and he’s delighted when she shows up on the course as part of her job serving food at the 9th hole, where the potential couple settles in for what we assume will be a sweet love story.

Part of the film’s charm, however, is watching the film take an unexpected left turn. The shift is handled admirably, however, thanks to the even, matter-of-fact tenor of storytelling and craftsmanship. The visuals still maintain their elegant naturalism, and the editing and pacing take care to chart a wide-ranging, charmingly offbeat journey. Though there is little dialogue after the film’s left turn, viewers are still engaged emotionally as the unlikely hero wanders, lost and alone, and faces setbacks and obstacles.

The whimsy of the story might remind some viewers of a studio like Pixar, but there’s also an understatement to the tone and a sense of social observation reminiscent of a filmmaker like Jacques Tati, which keeps proceedings from becoming too cute. As a result, viewers are treated to a fascinating, engaging tale that captures a sense of being lost and alone in a large, overwhelming environment, as well as a quiet resolve to keep going, despite it all. And so the film’s intrepid hero refuses, in its determined, even-handed way, to be deterred, eventually finding its way to its deepest desire.

By the end of “Birdie,” we’re treated to a heartwarming and hilarious ending that’s even funnier for how soberly and calmly it all unfolds. Harkening back to the naivete of early cinema but rendered with thoughtful craftmanship, the film has a wry humor that makes its sweetness all the more palatable and sharpens its intelligent cleverness. It finds magic in the ordinary, as well as a unique take on the idea of “love conquers all” — with love as a truly universal theme for everyone and everything.

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A man flirts with a woman on a golf course. Then his bag drives off with a mind of its own. | Birdie


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  1. Definitely one of the weirder Omeletto films. What a ride; at first we're made to believe the love story is between the man and the woman, but it turns out the real love story was between the golf bags!

  2. The commentary between the bags at the end ruined the immersion for me. Personally if it just ended with it in the store looking at the other bag the mystery would of been much more cohesive 🙂

  3. You do not abandon your old friends because you found a girlfriend.
    If you lose them, you might never see them again.

  4. A. I. Golf bags ? Doing a lot better than the cars in San Francisco. Anywho great job cast and crew. Self Aware golf bags. Terrifying.

  5. Workplace romance…atleast the golf bags woke up to the fact that YOLO.
    I was hoping a Stephen King middle, when the ignored golf bag clubs the man back into his senses.
    Or an Elon Musk prototype of driver less personal vehicles…

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