Golf Players


It’s safe to say I had a tough week. I had to let out some steam after Jonesboro, not only just about my game, but my favorite team too. 


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  1. Keep your head up bro. I'm glad you are not a stone-cold killer. Your joy is contagious when we watch you weekly. Highs and lows. Every hole is a new start. Get some prayer in, or some meditation and get your heart and head right. We love you!

  2. I can relate to this way to much… winning is the best feeling in the world. Losing is the worst. That Bruins loss was prob worse then that, after all the joy we had this season. But life goes on, and you have a lot to look forward to! Come take down norbrook again this fall! Thats one of my go to courses.

  3. Don't put too much emotion into the Bruins performance. All pro sports are rigged now. The winner of the season is determined before the season even starts. God designed our life to be challenging and even down right hard at times. Put your hope and trust in Christ. He never disappoints.

  4. I hope you see the parallel between you and the Bruins not playing well. Mental consistency is really difficult. When emotions get in way, when the desire to do well (and win) is so important that it becomes overwhelming and you start to think too much and you get to the point of becoming nervous, good play is next to impossible. We play best when we are rehearsed enough that it is automatic; we are essentially reacting to the situation; it is pure. The Bruins played great all season. Winning was automatic. But when things went wrong, instead of trusting their play and accepting that sometimes things go wrong or that other teams can have great play, too, they began to question themselves and lost focus. It’s really hard to keep focus when you make bad plays or the other team makes great plays or gets lucky.
    Mental consistency is hard in sports like Disc Golf because you have so much time to think between shots. It’s easy for negative thoughts to creep in when things aren’t going right. The reason like guys like Climo or McBeth are rare is because they don’t get distracted from what they are doing. Most everyone does.
    You have got to think that every time you play is new. You can’t think that because you played well last year that you should do it again. Every tournament is new. Every round is new. Every hole is new. Every shot is new. What happened before does not matter. Only now matters.
    On the other hand, I am not saying you can’t play with emotion. Some do, but they don’t win for more than a short period of time. It is hard to channel positive emotions without the negative eventually creeping in. A “live by the sword, die by the sword” kind of thing.
    Casey,I know you will work this not so good stretch out. You’re a excellent dude.

  5. Putting hockey aside, I did pick up few tips on the #Putts so spin in more and exhale. I feel like we have similar putt styles..anything you Wana add please?

  6. Keep fighting man! Try to limit the noise you let into your mind, it'll help you focus more on the task at hand. Every athlete goes through what you're going through right now. Stay positive and try not to dwell too much on the negative. Negative situations and things can be great learning experiences/opportunities. Stay hungry and stay positive! You'll come out of this slump shining like a star!

  7. Now you know how it feels to be a Leafs fan. It hurts. And I have to stay up till 1 AM to even watch the games.

  8. Too many mind. Your energy is spread thin, especially when "maintaining a social media presence." I realize this is part of the job you signed up for but if you want to play optimal disc golf, you have to immerse yourself in it fully. Take Calvin for instance…

  9. I bought a Casey White jersey a couple of weeks ago. I didn't buy it because you are placing well in tournaments, I bought it because you seem like a great guy and you provide great content. I know as a competitor, you feel the urge to be better, but that's not what makes you unique in the disc golf scene. This vlog is special and becoming more special as time goes on. We're here for ya man. Keep at it.

  10. Seattle mariners fan checking in, we won 116 games in 2001, most wins by any modern team, had a legendary team… and ever since then its been down hill. Hopefully your team doesn't have the same. I love your discgolf game as well continue to kick ass you got this

  11. I’m with you, I’m a bruins fan too and I’m so sad they lost. I’m hoping the Celtics can keep going too so at least there can be some good this year in the Boston sports world.

  12. Your putts were on fire when you were telling the story of the love you have for the Bruins! Smash! Bang! But when you got to them losing, think you missed 3 of 4.

    Everything is mental and though disappointing, you are great at what you do and there are ebbs and flows in Sports. You’ll be back on top and so will the Bruins, Sox, Pats and Celtics.

    For now, know people are cheering you on and you are loved for the person you are and passion you have! Forget the haters and focus on those closest to you!!!

  13. Your destiny is not dictated by the Bruins or any other sports team. The beauty of disc golf is that you get to choose and throw the shots. If it doesn't go how you intended, it is for you to own. Let past performance go. Focus (and believe) on the now. Play free, have fun, let your natural talent shine, and the results will be.

  14. Chin up my friend. You do look great out there. You are executing your shots. Just keep that GRIND up!!

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