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Jim McLean Ben Hogan Golf Lesson

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► About Christo Garcia’s Channel

This video is brought to you by Christo Garcia, the founder of the Miracle Swing Experience. Christo is a highly experienced Golf Instructor, with over 20 years of experience in the field.

He has been sharing his expertise on YouTube for more than 13 years, providing top-quality Golf Instruction to help golfers of all levels improve their game.

Throughout his channel you will learn about the Golf Swing, including Golf Backswing Drills, Golf Takeaway Tips, Golf Impact Positions, and more. His expert Golf Tips will help you perfect your posture, alignment, grip, and weight transfer, and achieve a consistent and powerful Golf Swing.

Christo also shares his insider secrets on how to create solid iron contact and increase your Golf driver distance. With his guidance, you’ll learn how to make small adjustments to your swing mechanics that can make a significant impact on your game.


  1. What an amazing story! Thanks for the videos. Jim Mclean always seemed to speak with so much grace when he was on the Golf Channel. Thanks, Christo!!

  2. Hi Christo I believe that Jim Maclean was the first to coin the X factor. Correct? Did he speak about its usefulness to you?

    Once in my golf posture bending from my hips and slightly flexing my knees to me the X factor proved that the correct rotating of buttocks and hips are the ‘secret behind’ many great golfers swing. Pun intended.

    Simply put: For the backswing the trail side buttock attached to the trail side hip must rotate together against the lead side buttocks and hip; and then for the downswing and the lead side buttock attached to the lead side hip must rotate inward against the trail side buttock and hip. That it!

    You do this and believe me all the dominoes will magically fall into place as you swing your club back and down This is real and not a feel. Cheers 😃❤️👍⛳️🥂

  3. Hi again Christo . Looking forward to watching your new video on MSE TV.

    As I said before your swing evolution seems to parallel mine; except you are a much younger and better golfer then I.

    The Butt Move in golf is the ultimate and in my opinion should be front and center in every golfers mind. The fact is that everyone tush needs adjusting. Even Tiger Woods 4 years ago said needed to consciously reactivate his gluts. I call it; The Gluteal Maximus Golf Swing. You can use it if you like.

    Also did Jim tell you that Sam Snead did the Butt move in golf?

  4. You need to draw a line above your head and down your forehead at address also because I don’t need to draw lines on your new swing but your head is pulling off the wall at least 3-4” which when your not grooved will cause you to hit the ball of the toe and hit big hooks! Nice work but you gotta be careful only looking at the line on your butt

  5. Beautiful change. The before swings look too controlled in the follow through just to hit it straight. The new swing a catapulting that club without hand and arm control. Love it.

  6. You are amazing! Thanks for sharing this. To me it looks like (at 10:55) your neck vertebrae lift up about the time you leave left arm parallel (on the way down). Even though you maintain your tuch line pretty well, that neck shows you stand up a little, just leaning back. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing more of your series!

  7. So if you swing to the left it goes right. But if you swing to the right you will hit a draw. Shouldn't we all be able to hit a draw by exploring the path and do you think a draw swing is bad?

  8. Just focus on your pelvis clearing by club parallel on downswing Chris. Should feel around 40 degrees open by that point. force yourself into into

  9. Jim. we still look alike…even my hair changed. So nice to see pictures of your bride. I have been following Mr. Garcia since he started..WHAT DEDICATION!!!!! Thank you Mr. Garcia….I joined your group about 4 months ago as Dr. Colin Forrester

  10. its has to be the sqaires shoes, no lessons are needed if you have those shoes. i only have $20 4 year old adidas. so sad

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