Golf Players


What will become of this event on the disc golf pro tour? With so many elite players out, Simon Lizotte’s disc golf performance at the OTB Open last year might needed again. Today, I am covering Kristin Tattar, Paul McBeth, and Ricky Wysocki’s presence. Could Calvin Heimburg get another win too? This event will be where the lesser known players have a chance to shine on the disc golf pro tour. Check out the best of Simon and see why he’s one of the world’s best disc golfers!

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Instagram: “Wild Runs Disc Golf”
Credit to @JomezPro, @DiscGolfProTour, @GateKeeperMedia


  1. I hope that if Ryan plays in the FPO the ladies would skip this one. You must stand together. You must make a stand.

  2. I don't even watch coverage for this course, same as LV (at least it makes more sense why LV is played on a golf course). Need more par 58-60 courses that have wooded elements

  3. i wonder if you want the pro tour to just stop playing open, or at least semi-open courses? I mean, i get that it would be nice if we didnt have to use old golf courses for the pro tour, but we cant have every tournament in the woods either. i dont see how it is so lame. otb – tho not the best – isnt that lame. the course is fine, but look at the preserve for example. thats an old golf course, which is now, imo an amazing course, or at least a great watch for us fans, and it seems like the players enjoy it too. i really dont see why we shouldnt take the advantage to create good courses and events at old golf courses.

  4. europe needs better coverage and distribution. That’s probably not happening even though the viewer numbers are huge

  5. Hey brother. Love the channel! Keep it up! I'll be driving across the country from RI to California in July and will be going through KC. What course should I play that's close to I-70? I'm an MP-40 player so let's make it a challenge! Thank you!

  6. I love this course. The golf course augment is weak sauce. They are no playing on all the fairways. There are bomber holes, roller holes, low ceiling holes, tunnel shots. Natural OB with water. Has great lines, looks fantastic on coverage. Great amities for folks that are actually there watching it live and great signal for broadcast. This is the standard for Pro Tour disc golf.

  7. Agreed with the golf course point! I think courses need to have some open areas for spectatorsband technical wooded areas with ob. Idlewild is what I consider a perfect course

  8. What about Natalie Ryan for the FPO? The courts are forcing the DGPT to allow her to play. It's a bomber course and that chick is definitely built like a man

  9. This didn't even touch on the hands-down weirdest part of the lead-up to this event – a CA court just upheld Nate Ryan's filing of a restraining order forcing the OTB to let 'her' play in the FPO division. I'm not going to be surprised at all if half the FPO field doesn't show up tomorrow in protest.

  10. I feel like I'm alone in this, but I actually really enjoy watching golf courses. The wide open smooth fairways just resonate, idk.

  11. I wouldn't be surprised if they did not want to play in the state of California and collect any pay from said state…

  12. Seems like you just ignored a really big party of this event is Natalie Ryan's injunction against the DGPA to play in the event. I am looking forward to the FPO battle for sure.

  13. The fact that a dude will be allowed to play in the FPO will overshadow much of the weekend, which is unfortunate. If he had any love for the sport and respect for others, he wouldn't keep trying to drag the sport down.

  14. I enjoy watching professionals play these temp golf style courses designed specifically to challenge them. The fewer obstacles there are the less luck plays a factor. There are still plenty of obstacles on these open golf layouts and plenty of other courses on tour in the woods.

  15. You are not kidding, been watching and it is fcking boring. Plus there is a mentally ill man dressed as a woman leading the FPO so my interest is quickly fading.

  16. Can’t say that I agree. Golf courses have the most opportunity to create great courses and have great events. 500 foot par 3s are important for the future of the game. Similar to what happened with golf in the early 2000s.

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