Are you Permitted to Practise During a Round? – Golf Rules

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During a round, are you permitted to practise?
You are not permitted to practise full shots during a round of golf, you are however without unreasonably delaying play, permitted to practice putting/chipping on or near the following locations:
– Putting green just completed,
– Any practice green
– The next teeing area.

Rule 5.5
Practising During Round or While Play Is Stopped
No Practice Strokes While Playing Hole
While playing a hole, a player must not make a practice stroke at any ball on or off the course.

These are not practice strokes:

A practice swing made with no intent to strike a ball.
Hitting a ball back to a practice area or to another player, when done solely as a courtesy.
Strokes made by a player in playing out a hole whose result has been decided.
Restriction on Practice Strokes Between Two Holes
Between two holes, a player must not make a practice stroke.

Exception – Where Player Allowed to Practise Putting or Chipping: The player may practise putting or chipping on or near:

The putting green of the hole just completed and any practice green (see Rule 13.1e), and
The teeing area of the next hole.
But such practice strokes must not be made from a bunker and must not unreasonably delay play (see Rule 5.6a).

See Committee Procedures, Section 8; Model Local Rule I-2 (the Committee may adopt a Local Rule prohibiting practice putting or chipping on or near the putting green of the hole just completed).

Practice While Play Is Suspended or Otherwise Stopped
While play is suspended or otherwise stopped under Rule 5.7a, a player must not make a practice stroke except:

As allowed in Rule 5.5b,
Anywhere outside the course, and
Anywhere on the course the Committee allows.
If a match is stopped by agreement of the players and will not be resumed on the same day, the players may practise on the course without restriction before the match is resumed.

Penalty for Breach of Rule 5.5: General Penalty.

If the breach happens between two holes, the penalty applies to the next hole.

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Golf Rules

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