Golf Players

Match Highlights | Austin FC 1-1 Colorado Rapids


  1. Austin is a middling lifeless team this year; Stuver and Gallagher being consistent notable exceptions.

  2. We got cocky about our defense then Cascante went down, Druissi is being stifled by 2-3 players every time he touches the ball, Zardes plays with no energy, Rigoni…yeah…well…, it appears that Wolff and Fagundez have some sort of issue going on between them, Urrutti is getting 20 minutes or less playing time despite his intensity and willingness to help defend, etc.

    Rather than change strategies now that he sees how Druissi is being covered, Wolff is just having them build from the back, same as always. Maybe try a different approach? Something other teams don't have 50+ hours of film on. You know, something creative?

    That said, Listos!

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