Golf Players

Ben Hogan Golf Swing | Correct Pelvic Movement in the Back Swing

#benhogan #golflessons #golfinstruction #golftips (Subscribe to my Channel)

**Want to improve at levels you never thought possible, get the No More Secrets Ben Hogan Master Class now.

You must learn to move the correct side of the pelvis if you want to master Ben Hogan’s golf swing in the backswing. This does not require much, but you must have the correct information.

When armed with the correct information you will be well on your way to making the same movements that Ben Hogan made during his golf swing.

There are a lot of instructors out there and especially here on YouTube that have a lot of the same old information, but here at our channel @NoMoreSecrets.BenHogan you are going to learn all kinds of new things that you haven’t seen anywhere else.

Through my unique understanding of geometric modeling i have finally been able to uncover of of the so called secrets Ben Hogan had.

You might think this to be a large clam, but if you sick around and subscribe to my channel you are going to improve your golf swing. Better setup, better rotation, killer contact, incredible impact, and most of all exceptional balance.

The geometry of the golf swing needs to be finally understood. For the first time you will quickly realize that Ben Hogan was swinging the golf club on a different geometrical path than everyone else. Because of his unique under standing of the real geometry he was able to produce massive amounts of leverage to the golf club.

Stay tuned and make sure you subscribe to this channel because of the ben hogan so called secrets are finally going to be reveled. (Subscribe to my Channel)



  1. I don’t think this is right, I think it is more of a turn (and dip) into the trail hip socket, so the trail leg is internally rotated in its hip socket. I say this because if you look at Hogan his trail knee stays pointing forward, rather than rotating back as yours does, you look more like a ‘stack and tilter’. And if you look at Knudson (a similar/copy swing) he even has his trail knee kicked in and it stays pointing forward even though he gets a lot of hip turn. From this internally rotated position Hogans downswing would be initiated with a massive external rotation force, which is why he had the extra spike in his trail shoe.

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