Golf Players

Things Go From Bad to Worse for Racist Coach Mark Taylor

Things just keep getting worse for Mark Taylor, the football coach and youth athletics trainer who was exposed as a massive racist in a series of videos we previously covered. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. IRONY: This guy and people like him are the descendants of the hateful greedy people that enslaved these peoples ancestors. The people he hates are the descendants of the slaves that made his family wealthy. His ancestors brought theirs here in chains, by force and kept them in bondage and servitude for their own profit.

  2. Every Fox News listener is saying “what’s the problem”. If you’re listening to to Fox, you hear racist propaganda 24/7. FU and your racist MAGA movement of white supremacy.

  3. Funny how the LAST inhabitants of this planet seems to be the most inconvenienced, uneducated, uninformed, incompetent, intolerant, incapable of brain activity.

  4. So their skin color does make it fun. Yeah racist pieces of s*** man yeah yeah. All of the reason. Why America is the way it is right now? We can never have peace when hate is all over this m*********

  5. Hahah It actually makes me kind of happy that these people wake up so so angry and they just oh my God. Is that a black person driving? I hate my life? Oh my God? Is that a black person drive treated as an equal? I hate my life the last one was a lie by the way black people are not treated equal in America or even in this world for that matter you know. How they say the dog could have skin the deep of the sin. That's what they tell you that's what they tell us.

  6. The coach got away with racism for years. This is what happens when you treat coaches like gods in your beloved school’s athletics programs.

  7. This Bonehead has just sealed his own fate. Yes his own karma will come back to bite him un the buttocks 😅.

  8. White people stop being a victim racism doesnt exist 😂 my fellow blacks just remember your white coworkers and so called friends classmates etc this how they really talk about yall behind your back 90% remeber they arent for us neither with us stay woke

  9. Please, I hope all black people know that not all white people act or even THINK like these reprehensible white racists do.
    I hope black people understand that most white people — especially those who do not live in the south — are not as they are portrayed in this video.

    Do not mistake us for those who have no respect for anyone else except for people who are exactly like them.
    And I include the white and anyone of color to do the same.
    Those of us who are white and accepting of everyone, are ashamed of those who are white and racist.

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