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  1. You are dead right on this one Johnny! I can sympathize with feet injuries, especially left ones… Heal up quick Eli! I hope to see you Finish out the next super duper cross championship you compete in!!!

  2. Cuz I tore my Achilles a while back on the same thing Eli did. It’s a terrible injury but I’m back now 100% but I’m not on the same level obviously.

  3. These tracks don't need to be so technical I mean dude come on everything's SO sharp as is…. these tracks are taking everyone out and when you hear the ones racing every weekend and training the hardest saying how sketchy it is 9 out of 10 races I mean idk… maybe it is to sketchy

  4. Guys are getting hurt during the week too. Slowing the bikes and tracks down might help, but the guys will just evolve again. It's just a dangerous sport.

    Imagine how fast they'll be when the electric stuff comes! 😱 I don't care what any motorheads think, those ebikes are going to make the speeds WAY faster.

  5. This YouTube headline spoiled my Sunday evening before NBCya could be bothered to broadcast the race on ANY of their 20 CABLE CHANNELS. FEL(ch)D sucks and PeaCaulk blows. I cant look at my Smaat Phone on Sunday for fear of spoilers.
    And dirtbikes are church! NBC should be "airing" this race on Saturday Night, Live.
    Bogus. It's after midnight on a Monday Morning. $170/month for good "cable" and youtube shows me the post-race interview video all Sunday.
    I barely bother with Motocross in the summer. What's the point? When's it even on TV so I can DVR it? I'm going to write a sternly worded letter to NBC.
    Thanks to Johnny for these vids that give so much detail to the split-second moments in racing that add so much depth to the coverage.

  6. Something smells with this crap….Eli Tomac hits a jump wrong, and it's over??….yeah right…..

    More like the brand wanted him to finish without NOT SIGNING…..he ran Goober down in the heat race, so there's that?

  7. Tomac is our modern living embodiment of the myth of Achilles.
    "Is there no one else?!!!"

  8. If sexton wins and he wears the number 1 plate next year I’m never watching Supercross again -.-

  9. These bikes are so powerful that only 99.9999% of people can ride them on the limit. You've got 3 of the top ten guys out with serious injuries for the finale, and arguably the best in the world is out at this point as well. Make the premier class a 350 cc class in supercross and i almost guarentee you'll have less injuries.

  10. Why why why? As much as I hate unions you need to unify the riders against Feld Sports. It’s all of the things you listed. Gnarly tracks, ridiculously fast bikes, too many races. It’s been talked about a lot, back in the day a privateer could make a decent amount of money riding at the pro level but not a top tier rider. Now it’s almost impossible to make a living at a pro level privateer rider. I bet most these guys make most of their money off merch and social media. If you’re not a top level rider, motorcycle racing is going to chew you up and spit you out and move on. There’s very little reward to ride at a pro level unless you are top tier.

  11. Ya and if Ken Roczen wouldnt of never crashed and destroyed his arm he would of won all the championships instead of Tomac. He hurt his arm in his prime and it changed him winning everything like he was, so this is what happens. You can't get hurt and win championships. Come on people.😮

  12. Eli should be able to squeak out a living with his earned millions.

  13. Bikes are faster, suspension better, so riders going faster, jumping further, but human body still the same.

  14. its all of it Jonny. 450s are insane machines. I don't even enjoy being on them. tracks are more and more gnarly and season is long AF. The recovery process on this sucks. minimum 6 mos and that will be start of next SX season. I don't think Eli is one to compromise his health so don't think he will even consider next season at a 6 mont turn around. He cant go out like this but I don't think he would be back for SX . If he takes a season off how is that return? Im 50/50 on his return. I think hes over the schedule but still enjoys the actual competition. No idea how he thinks about this injury and how it changes his plans. Dude Tuesday I was talking to my friend and was like this is story book, he'll seal it at home but stuff doesn't happen that way, there is always adversity and something will happen in next 2 week….

  15. I was really excited to see Eli, Chase, and Jett battle for the outdoor title….. looks like it’ll be Honda vs Honda now. Should still be fun to watch though

  16. Terrible injury that’s Gna take a year and then what’s it do to his mentality ? Eli won’t be competitive if he ever does come back .

  17. I’ve ruptured my Achilles 3 times…. years apart. Each time it took less to rip it. I hope ET3 retires and enjoys the money and fame. I saw career enders for Bailey, Hannah, Henry, Nelsen….. sad! ET3 got nothing to prove!

  18. Kennys not racing outdoor. Really sucks but it is what it is. Gonna be Sexton vs. Jett vs. Ferrandis. This whole championship got flipped on its head within 2 races. Ken could stick with outdoor and pad his points but hes choosing WSX which financially I get it. I do think Tomacs going to retire though, but who knows.

  19. Sucks for Eli. A set of fastway ext foot pegs would've prevented that I think. Wonder if any SX guys run them. Crazy turn for the top 3 last couple weeks wow

  20. Agree I dont want to see Tomac retire in a heartbreaking way. But it could be a bit poetic in a way, he was leading when the gnarliest sport in the world forced him out. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Whatever tomac decides he deserves whatever decision makes him happy. He is a champ though, and tough as hell. oh, and also buy bitcoin

  21. I totally believe this is a boot thing. I raced in the early 80s. Long time ago. We had full leather boots with heavy padding and shin guards. I am now getting back into riding but I wear the old style boots! That way you can feel the bike. Also, the new boots are like wearing a plastic cast! They allow very little movement and I think are the cause of Eli's injury. When a rider falls from 15-20 feet up with the new boots they almost always seem to come away with serious feet, ankle injuries.

  22. In 2010 i broke both my ankles due to goin for a big double after i screwed up the run up to it. I had terribe foot placement on the pegs and hyperextended them, bones pulled apart at that pivot point. When i saw what eli did i told my brother "id rather break both my ankles again than blow out one of my Achilles". Feel gutted for eli. I was wearing tech 8 i think (whatever was top one in 2010)

  23. I got a broken tallas bone. Destroyed. From doing this exact thing. It was quick and unexpected. Game changer. Acl still in tact but i have what looks like a bunch of lag bolts just under my ankle. The boots suck and should have that extra protection from snapping back too far. You need your feet to live. Tomac has a loooooong ways to go.

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